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他下令随从们停下。He ordered the cortege to stop.

他带着一大群随从走出来。He came out with a troop of followers.

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增加了新的人物属性和随从。Added new system Traits and Ancillaries.

公主躲过了看守她的随从逃了出去。Cluding her keeners the princess escaped.

国王和随从们渴得要死。The king and his men were dying of thirst.

四个随从抬着王后的轿子。Four attendants bore the queen's palanquin.

因为已经有转去随从撒但的。For some are already turned aside after Satan.

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传说中狄奥尼索斯的身边还有一个随从萨提尔。Dionysus legend around there is a follower Satir.

王子及其随从人员已到达该城。The prince and his attendants arrived in the city.

三千名武装随从紧跟其后。Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.

几个月后,国王和他的随从们去打猎。A few months later, the king and his men went hunting.

而随从他的一个年青男孩握着他的口袋。and a young boy in his entourage is holding his pocket.

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至少15位布托的随从也遭袭身亡。At least 15 of Miss Bhutto’s followers were also killed.

她招来随从,嘱他将银玫瑰交给奥克塔维伯爵。She summons her page and sends Octavian the silver rose.

然后,随从又瞄准唐吉诃德砍了重重的一剑。Then again the squire aimed a great blow at Don Quixote.

他是被自己的一名随从谋杀的。That he'd been murdered by a member of his own entourage.

年轻的艺术家宁愿做创造者,而不愿当随从者。The young artist will rather is a fashion than a follower.

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先知借巴力说预言,随从无益的神。The prophets prophesied by Baal, following worthless idols.

瑞德看到诺顿带着一队随从怒气冲天的走上来。Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.

但是他们已经将注意力投向他的某些随从人员。But they have already set their sights on some in his entourage.