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那样我们才可以纵观全局。This's our opportunity to step back.

纵观历史,这些当然有很大的意义。Historically, of course, this makes a lot of sense.

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纵观我整个受教育史,我有过很多老师。Seeing my whole education history, I have many teachers.

纵观国际社会乱象纷生,联合国却几乎一成不变。But, despite huge upheavals in the world, little has altered.

不过纵观全球,气温偏高还是占主流。Over much of the globe, however, high temperatures predominated.

纵观去年所有铰易,投资银行做得很好。Withallthedeals last year, in vestment investment banks did well.

纵观川端的整个创作生涯,这也是川端文学的核心。This is also the main theme in Kawabata Yasunari's literary career.

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我们纵观整个文学史,显然几乎不可能发生。We looked through the literature. It hardly ever happens, obviously.

纵观历史,音乐的社会互联作用随处可见。M usic's interconnection with society can be seen throughout history.

纵观全文,历史除了领导者赋予的意义外别无他意。Throughout, history has no meaning except what the leaders give to it.

纵观历史,大多数的发明都是被自然界所激发的。Throughout history, most inventions were inspired by the natural world.

而纵观最新发布的准则,公允价值计量的引入无疑是一大亮点。Actually it is not the first time for China to use Fair Value in its GAAP.

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纵观历史,一部好的漫画作品同时也是非常酷的特效电影。Historically, some of the best comic book films are also great tech films.

纵观历史,鲁莽的开支比外来侵略者打垮更多的帝国。More empires have been brought down by reckless spending than by invaders.

纵观中国历朝历代的社会动荡,道士们的价值观和信仰一直在其中具有持续而深刻的影响。Taoist values and beliefs continue to hold enormous sway in Chinese society.

这是正式对话前的一部分,来纵观如何安排对话。That's part of that bigger converstation the broader step back conversation.

纵观整个世界,类似这样的习惯法也有不少。Customary law is similar in this and manyother respects throughout the world.

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纵观西方美术史,空间关系历来是画面关系的重点。On the whole, the spatial relationship is the key of the western art history.

纵观现有的多媒体教学软件,均缺少控制。By means of this software, called Multi-Media Education Control System abbrev.

纵观人类历史的绝大部分时期,闪电兼备恐怖与神秘的双重面孔。Throughout most of history, lightning was as much a mystery as it was a terror.