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诱导底物的影响。Effect of inducing substrate.

宗教是诱导人们积德行善的力量吗?Is religion a force for good?

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在每一个硒诱导燃烧器。An induction burner at Per Se.

方法应用豚鼠诱导EAE动物模型。Methods EAE were induced in guinea pigs.

诱导信号切换器也是基于LPC2104构建的。Signal switcher also makes LPC2104 as MCU.

不定芽诱导采用二步培养法。The method of two-step culture was applied.

通过IPTG诱导,获得包涵体表达蛋白。Induced by IPTG, was inclusion body protein.

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光照可诱导产生厚垣孢子。Light can promote chlamydospores production.

用丁酸钠诱导其分化。Differentiation was induced by sodium butyrate.

纯粹的响片训练者不同意使用诱导。Clicker purists will disagree with using luring.

我不知道它是否被用于诱导恐惧。I don't know if it was being usedto induce fear.

STC2的表达受雌激素诱导,被抗雌激素抑制。The expression of STC2 was abducted by estrogen.

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VK2无单独诱导NB4细胞分化作用。VK2 can't induce NB4 cells differentiation alone.

HCC诱导的血管新生过程是一系列的级联反应。The process of angiogenesis is a cascade reaction.

某些细菌,原虫都可能诱导干扰素形成。IFN may also be induced by some bacteria, protozoa.

观察诱导细胞的形态学变化。Morphological change of induced cells was observed.

目的诱导EDA基因在原核细胞中的表达。Objective To express EDA gene in prokaryotic cells.

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还考虑了诱导偶极能。The dipole-induced dipole energy is considered too.

呵护孩子、倾听心声、耐心诱导。She hugs the children, listens to them, cajoles them.

分步诱导结薯法优于直接诱导结薯方式。Step-wise induction was superior to direct induction.