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便哇哇地哭起来。Then the ground cry.

那婴儿哇哇地哭了一夜。The baby howled all night.

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孩子们在哇哇大哭。The kids are crying loudly.

再加上,婴孩会哇哇大哭。Plus, a baby can really cry.

婴儿哇哇地啼哭了。The baby emitted forth a cry.

哇哇,是的,就是那种,我喜欢。Wah-wah, yes, kind of, I like.

哇哇哇,我的狗正在摇尾巴。Aww, my dog is wagging his tail.

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什么能使乌鸦啼叫出哇哇声?What could have caused the crows to caw?

而且他依依哇哇的跟我们说个不停。Plus, he wants to talk to us all the time!

房间里坐满了哇哇乱叫的孩子。The room abounded with screaming children.

乔的自行车被偷他气得哇哇大叫。Joe shouted for anger when his bike was stolen.

最后急的我,坐在地上哇哇大哭。Finally , I sit on the ground of nasty cry loudly.

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我想车是导致乌鸦哇哇的原因。I think the cars were the cause of the crows' cawing.

她就出去外面坐,还没有坐下来,房子里面哇哇She then went to take a seat outside. Before sitting down

那头猪哇哇地叫着,缩紧它的尾巴逃走了。The pig squealed, curled up its tail tightly and ran off.

如今,再也没有那坑哇哇的土路,让人们行走方便。Now, no more abut the pit road, convenient for people to walk.

哇哇啼哭的婴儿也无法唤醒他的良知。The crying baby then could by no means call up his conscience.

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直到或除非这些发生改变,否则我们都不过是空口打哇哇。Until or unless that changes, we’re just whistling in the wind.

“哇哇哇!小子,是我啊!”黑暗中,马光的声音响了起来。The boy is me! "Darkly medium, Ma Guang's voice rang to get up."

谁动过我的床?熊爸爸用很响的声音哇哇大叫。Who has moved my bed ?" hollers Daddy bear in a very loud voice."