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我退烧了。My fever has gone down.

我昨天晚上退烧了。My fever broke last night.

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已经到了黄金热退烧的时候了吗?Is this the end of gold fever for now?

他今天不能来上课,他还没有退烧。He cannot come to school because he still had faver.

那种奇怪的新舞步正在慢慢地退烧当中。The strange, new style of dancing is slowly dying out.

不含阿斯匹林的解热药可以用来退烧。Non-aspirin fever reducers can be used to reduce a fever.

她让他服用非阿司匹林药片降温退烧。She dosed him with non-aspirin tablets to reduce the fever.

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让气流触摸你的身体,以助于退烧。Let the air reach his body. This will help the fever go down.

昨晚我吃了些药,但仍没退烧。I took some medicine last night,but fever doesn't seem to go away.

要是不及时退烧,年轻人就没命了。The fever,if not brought down,might and would kill the young fellow.

我给这孩手打安乃近鼻部点滴来退烧。I'll give the baby analgin nose drops to bring down the temperature first.

据说,从羚羊角上刮下一些粉末用水冲服,可以起到养肝、退烧的作用。Horn shavings, boiled in water, are said to quieten the liver and quell fevers.

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东革阿里的树干是退烧和治愈疟疾的良药。The stems are used as febrifuge and are one of the ingredients to cure malaria.

虽然发烧,欣还是吃了一碗饭,喝了点汤,但却没有退烧。Although we still have a fever, ate a bowl of rice, drink the soup, but no fever.

楼市退烧市场面临盘整房价变动是众望所归?Changes in the office property market is facing anti-fever favor with the market?

直到退烧以后,秋雨停止,格兰纳达正式进入冬季。After the fever went away, the autumn rain stopped. Winter officially visits Granada.

从那时候起我退烧了,但是精神错乱的后遗症——或许你会这样认为——留下了。From that moment the fever abated, but the delirium-as you may think it-has remained.

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乐信小儿退烧灵是一种快速而有效之制剂,能退烧、舒缓头痛、及其它疼痛。Paramol suspension is a fast and effective preparation for relief of headache, fever and minor pain.

1829年,人们发现柳树中能止痛退烧的化学物质为水杨醇葡萄糖甙。In 1829 the chemical in the willow tree that can relieve pain and fever was discovered to be salicin.

为得到最大效果,和药结合起来使用,一两天后就会退烧。For maximum results, use it in conjunction with your medicine. The fever might be gone in a day or two.