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数学直感是形象思维的基本形式。The straight sense of mathematics is a basic form of the thinking in image.

第三章语文阅读教学与形象思维。The third chapter is about Chinese reading teaching and imaginative thinking.

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四是通过形象思维,激发学生的学习兴趣。In addition, the teacher can improve the interest of students through imaginal thinking.

因此培养学生的形象思维能力非常必要。Thus, the cultivation of the students' imaginary thinking ability is of great importance.

儿童思维的发展,应该使抽象思维和形象思维同样地得到良好的发展。So, it's necessary to develop equally both children's abstract thinking and imaginal thinking.

李泽厚有一个观点,形象思维是个性化与本质化的同时进行。Li Zehou holds that imagery thinking is a combination of both specification and generalization.

将理论与实践有机结合,为发展学生的物理形象思维能力提供新思路。By combining theory with practice, it provides a new way to develop the student's ability of PTI.

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如果你仍然感到困难,你可能要先去提高你的形象思维能力。If you’re still having trouble doing this, you may want to develop your visualization skills first.

本章主要讨论的是形象思维作为一种叙述方法在资本论中的表现。This chapter is to deal with the embodiment of imagery thinking in Capital as a way of presentation.

从认知角度来讲,非理性对应的是形象思维与灵感思维。In term of cognitive angle, non-rationality corresponds to thinking in image and inspiration thinking.

美的本质和特征,审美活动中的形象思维、审美活动中的艺术活动以及审美与人生。The essence of aesthete is about thinking in images, appreciating art and understanding aesthetical life.

发展思维,尤其是发展形象思维,对于道德品质的形成有着十分重要的意义。Evolving thinking, especial imaginal thinking, has great significance in the formation of moral character.

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为了政治的需要,周扬对形象思维的论述有一个从坚持到反对的转变。Owing to political factors, Zhou Yang's attitude has a great change for images thinking from pros to cons.

理想化方法为逻辑方法,但却是形象思维与抽象思维的结合。Though idealized method is an logical one, it is the combination of thinking in image and abstract thinking.

所以不要尝试用形象思维去理解多维宇宙,用你的心灵去感觉。So please stop use visual thinking to understand the multi-dimensional universe, use your soul to perceive it.

还富有创意的提出发挥绘画和诗歌教学的跨学科整合来发展学生的形象思维。Besides, the conformity of the fine arts teaching and poetry teaching should be well thought of with creativeness.

众所周知,语言是一种形象思维,它由人们的左脑进行控制。It is well-known that language is a kind of thinking in images, which is controlled by the left part of the brain.

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所谓意境,是作者用形象思维的方法,把生活反映在作品中而形成的一种艺术境界。The artistic mood is a state that the poet reflects in real life on the works using the method of thinking in images.

二维图像信息是抽象的,培养人的逻辑形象思维是提高认知质量的途径。The two-dimensioned image is abstract, so cultivating logical thinking is the way of improving the awareness quality.

运用形象思维帮助记忆单词有特效。This essay deals with how to apply image thinking to vocabulary memorizing through imagination, association and illusion.