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汤姆不知去向了,我们再未听见他的消息。Tom disappeared and we never heard of him.

大家再睁眼看时,江已经不知去向了。When they could see again, Chiang was gone.

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那些不知去向之珠宝的确切“价值”弄得清楚吗?。Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?

不等我回应,她扭着腰肢不知去向。Before I respond, she wriggled the waists whereabouts unknown.

路易斯的衬衫很脏,裤子撕破了,棒球帽不知去向。Louis's shirt was filthy, the trousers torn and the cap, long gone.

不久,乌沙克利吉尔被凯末尔的官员护送上了一趟不知去向的列车,并再未返回到凯末尔身边。Usakligil was escorted to a train by his ministers and never heard of again.

当奥马尔已不知去向是,他的坚定追随者还在顽固的留守着。While Mullah Omar may be long gone, his hardened followers are hell-bent on staying.

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镇政府称,工厂老板已经不知去向,这也是令工人愤怒的原因之一。It said factory bosses have gone into hiding, a factor that also helped fan worker anger.

最后一个早晨安得鲁醒来后,他发现他的房间一片混乱,漂亮女子也不知去向。The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone.

到室外一抛,纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.

但名列第三位拥堵的芝加哥环路交口却还不知去向。But the third-worst spot for highway congestion, Chicago's CircleInterchange, is going nowhere.

但名列第三位拥堵的芝加哥环路交口却还不知去向。But the third-worst spot for highway congestion, Chicago\'s Circle Interchange, is going nowhere.

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和过去蜜蜂…逝去的蜜蜂会在蜂房旁发现不同的是,这次它们竟然不知去向。Unlike past bee die-offs, where dead bees would be found near the hive, this time they just disappeared.

当云飞岳赶到时只看到了母亲的尸体,妹妹也不知去向,云飞岳伤心欲绝。When yunfei yue arrived only see the bodies of mother, younger sister also went missing, yunfei yue heart.

现在这条路的大部分已被废弃,铺路石上长满了杂草,有些石块已经不知去向。Now largely abandoned and unkempt, its paving stones are long overgrown with grass or are missing completely.

得知贾巴的死讯后,他偷走不少无价的雕塑,然后不知去向。When he learned of Jabba's demise, he stole a number of priceless sculptures and disappeared to parts unknown.

我开车不知去向时,抬头看见了你。你穿过草地,向我的卡车走过来。那是八月的一天。Shuiffling along , I looked up and you were there walking across the grass toward my truck on an August day. p22

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那些人穷其一生向太空发射各种贵得离谱的物体,很多最终不知去向。These guys spend their lives blasting ludicrouslyexpensive objects into space, and a good number of them get lost.

那些人穷其一生向太空发射各种贵得离谱的物体,很多最终不知去向。These guys spend their lives blasting ludicrously expensive objects into space, and a good number of them get lost.

在途中的某个地方,我们看见教徒的队伍,高高抬着圣母玛利亚的塑像,不知去向何方。In the middle of nowhere, we passed processions of devotees, walking who knows where, carrying aloft the Virgin Mary.