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这个叙述与他的叙述一致。This story agrees with his.

让我来叙述一些实例。Let me recite a few examples.

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罗斯科李布朗叙述。Narrated by Roscoe Lee Browne.

请用英文叙述出来。Please describe them in English.

编写使用案例叙述,过于简洁。Write the use cases too tersely.

你的叙述与事实相符。Your story agrees with the facts.

请用英文叙述出来。Please use the English expression.

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再说,它是用第三人称复数叙述的!Plus, it's in third person plural!

用叙述事实来思考它。Think of it as statements of fact.

你可以尝试去叙述那件事。You can try to narrate that thing.

你能详细向我们叙述吗?Can you represent it to us in detail.

这部小说有一个全知全能的叙述者。The novel has an omniscient narrator.

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他语不成句地对我叙述了他的经历。He told me his story in broken accent.

听到那番叙述他非常激动。He was excited at hearing the account.

那是一本叙述汤姆·苏儿和我的故事书。It is a story about Tom Sawyer and me.

白纸黑字、想要叙述什么?。Sureproof, what does the wish narrate?

详细叙述讲叙……的事件或细节。To narrate the facts or particulars of.

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但,我们只花了很少的篇幅叙述限制符。But we've said little about constraints.

我需要一些叙述时用的好镜头。I need some good pictures for narration.

详细情况见下文的叙述。Specific situations are described below.