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广州西竹实业有限公司。Xizhu Industry Co. , Ltd.

自华为中国实业。Hunan Huawei China Industry Co.

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乌苏市鸿舟实业有限公司。Wusu Hongzhou Industry Co. , Ltd.

三力卫浴实业有限公司。Sanli Plumbing Industry Co. , Ltd.

沈阳嘉禾实业有限公司。Shenyang Jiahe Industry Co. , Ltd.

上海励成实业有限公司。Shanghai Richen Industrial Co. , Ltd.

上海悟善实业有限公司。Shanghai Wushan Industrial Co. , Ltd.

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自华为中国实业。有限公司。Hunan Huawei China Industry Co. , Ltd.

上华卫浴实业有限公司。Shanghua Sanitary Ware Industry Co. , Ltd.

成立上海维一实业有限公司。Establishes Shanghai Weiyi Industry Co. , Ltd.

四川嘉熙实业有限公司。Sichuan Jiaxi Industry and Commerce Co. , Ltd.

深圳市富视康实业发展有限公司。Shenzhen Fujikam Industry Development Co. , Ltd.

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生马实业,经营地上海陆家嘴。Raw horse industry, operating in Lujiazui, Shanghai.

生马实业,经营地上海陆家嘴。Horse Health Holdings, operating in Lujiazui, Shanghai.

上海恩熙实业有限公司版权所有。Shanghai Ensi Industrial Co. , Ltd All rights reserved.

贵州宏福实业开发有限总公司。Guizhou Hongfu Industrial Development General Co. , Ltd.

公司是集礼品研发、生产、销售为一体的实业集团公司。Is the development, production and sales of industrial group.

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正东实业产品可否达到环保标准?Do the products conform to environmental protection standards?

当时,股市毫无疑问,比实业火得多。Back then, stocks were frothier than real businesses, no doubt.

创异工房由上海佳利特实业有限公司投资建设和管理。ESPACE is invested and run by Shanghai Great Industry Co. , Ltd.