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目前,我国北方草地资源面临着草地生产力严重下降,草地载畜量普遍降低的危机。At present, northern grassland resources of China are facing a serious decline in grassland productivity and grazing capacity.

各具体放牧季的载畜率可以在载畜量的宏观控制下,根据气候条件和草地状况加以调整。The stocking rates of different grazing seasons can be regulated according to the climate and grassland condition under the control of CC.

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合理利用草地,就是要合理配置载畜量,建立合理的放牧利用制度。We will reasonably dispose year poultry capacity exactly, and builds reasonable the herding utilization system on the utilization grassland reasonably.

以天然草地为研究对象,对海南州5个县天然草地的牧草产量与主要自然因素、载畜量的影响进行了研究分析。Effects of natural factors and livestock capacity on forage yield were studied in native grassland over 5 counties of Hainan prefecture, Qinghai province, China.

人口持续增长导致的对资源环境压力的增大是耕地指数和草场载畜量对沙漠化影响产生累加效应的根本原因。The root cause of the cumulative impacts of cropland index and carrying capacity on desertification is the increasing pressure on environment and resource due to increasing population.

基于NPP和理论载畜量的估算,定量分析了自然因素和人为因素对草地沙化的作用程度。Based on an estimation of NPP and the theoretical livestock capacity of grassland, the effects of natural and artificial factors on grassland desertification were analyzed quantitatively.

提出了以载畜量、受灾面积、积雪与牧草高度之比和气候为变量因子的不同等级雪灾损失指数模型。A damage model of different grade of snow disaster, considering factors of grassland area, grazing capacity, ratio of snow depth and grass height and days of continued low temperate is put forward.

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在前面复原工作的基础上,作者分别从载畜量和畜牧业生产方式角度对鄂尔多斯高原牧业生产的环境效应进行剖析。Based on the former results, it anatomized the environmental effect of livestock husbandry in Yike Shao League through quantity of domestic animals the area bred and the mode of production it used.

最后提出了严格行政执法、围栏禁牧、合理的载畜量和生态移民等生态环境的修复策略。It also proposes the ecological environmental restoration strategies, including the administrative law, enclosure fence and forbidden graze, rational number of livestock, ecological migration, etc.

文章对四子王旗草场牧草生产量与载畜量现状相关性和草场牧草生产潜力与载畜量相关性进行分析、计算的基础上,提出了全旗草场载畜量调控建议。The paper analyzes the correlation among grazing pressure, present productivity and animal carrying capacity of the grasslands in Siziwang Banner, Proposes some suggestions for grassland management.

本研究结论可以为有效地保护和利用草地资源、合理配置载畜量和恢复草原生态环境提供有效的技术支持和保障。The study provides a good technical support for effectively protection and utilization of grassland resources, reasonably disposition of year poultry capacity and restoration of grassland ecosystem.