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且各义项以转喻或隐喻方式为主要纽带,组成了一张多核的相关语义网。These senses form a multi-centered polysemy network via metonymy or metaphor.

由于“头”义项过多,语言系统没有选择“头”而是选择“项”作为“头项”的简缩式。Because Tou has numerous extended meanings, Xiang is used as the abbreviation.

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词典编者不能接受到自己认为某词应该有某个义项的这一想法的影响。The editor cannot be influenced by what the thinks a given word ought to mean.

相对于中文“随着”的六个义项,日语则要以不同的表达方式来表现这六个义项。In Japanese, it uses different ways of expression to connote its Chinese meanings.

歧义结构单义项的认知理解频率往往是不平衡的。The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure.

对于文档级自定义项和应用程序级外接程序,此过程有所不同。The procedure is different for document-level customizations and application-level add-ins.

经过实验,得到大量语义规则,并用其进行义项消歧实验,取得了较好的结果。Lots of semantic rules are obtained from the experiments, and are used to sense disambiguation.

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而构建立法后评估指标体系是开展立法后评估的核心义项。Constructing the legislative post-assessment index system is the core meaning of the assessment.

如果代码与单个文档紧密集成,则应创建文档级自定义项。If the code is tightly integrated with a single document, create a document-level customization.

义位与义项虽然是两个不同的概念范畴,但在词典编纂中却完全可以统一起来。Although sememe and item are two different conception, they could be unified in the lexicography.

多义词的义项由本义派生,是俄语中大量存在的语言现象。Polysemy senses are derived from primary meaning, which is a common language phenomenon in Russian.

一词多义是指一个词项有两个或两个以上的义项。Polysemy is the linguistic phenomenon of two or more related meanings with a single linguistic form.

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每一个语言范畴都是多义范畴,至少是具有数个潜势义项的多义范畴。Every linguistic category is a polysemous category, or it is one that contains several potential senses.

提供对文档级自定义项的编程模型及相关编程任务的概述。Provides an overview of the programming model of document-level customizations and related programming tasks.

分析了词典使用接受视野发展的动态性和义项粒度之间的反比关系。And we found that the growth of dictionary user " s cognitive domain is in inverse proportion to sense granularity."

媒介的原来义项较多,后专指信息传播活动中的载体。Originally the word medium has multiple meanings, it refers only to the carrier in the activity of information spreading.

弄清楚了基本意义之后,就可以按照这种认知规律来记忆其它的义项。Second, different items of a word are linked by family resemblance, which is the cognitive basis and regularity of polysemy.

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经过实验,得到大量语义规则,并用其进行义项消歧实验,取得了较好的结果。Lots of semantic rules are obtained from the experiments, and are used to sense disambiguation. The results are satisfactory.

有关在文档级自定义项中缓存数据的更多信息,请参见缓存数据和访问服务器上的文档数据。The exception that is thrown when more than one cached data object could not be serialized in a document-level customization.

人们在隐喻性思维的导引下,使原有词语的语义泛化,通过人们频繁地使用,其隐喻意义就沉淀为词的比喻义,从而成为词语的固定义项。The repeated use of the meaning brings about the metaphorical meaning and thus becomes the fixed meaning items of the old words.