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他在那次飞机失事中遇险身亡。He was killed in air accident.

飞机遇险呼救还是干扰信号?。Air distress signal or interfering signal?

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救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress.

劳保用品穿戴好,遇险可把生命保。Wear the PPE, the life insurance in distress.

国际通用的莫尔斯电码遇险信号SOS。The international morse code distress signal, S.O.S.

康维拿袖珍手电打出了遇险信号。Conway flashed a distress signal with his pocket light.

船搁浅遇险后,船员立刻发出求救信号。Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S. O. S.

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一些深海垂钓者形成了意外遇险协作伙伴。Some deep-sea angler fish form unusual life partnerships.

看到地平线上出现一只船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗。Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress.

塞西尔此时开始慌张起来,连忙发射了两枚遇险信号火箭。Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets.

一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险需要救援。A yachtsman got in to trouble off the coast and had to be rescued.

而且当经济遇险时,总理通常会被指责。And when the economy falters, the P.M. traditionally gets the blame.

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我们一接到他们遇险的信号,我就带着我的营救队上去了。I took my rescue team up as soon as we received their distress signal.

应向易遇险的人多征收保险费。The insurance payments should be rated up for those people with risks.

遇险的航空器享有优先于所有其他航空器的航行优先权。An aircraft in distress has the right-of-way over all other air traffic.

在遇险的甲板的脖子,计算者检查不透明的支票。At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.

有的孩子还会梦见救其他人,自己或他人遇险等。Some children dream of rescuing others, or of threats to self or others.

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救生员们跳进船,出发去救助那些遇险者。Then the rescuers jump into the boat and are off to help those in danger.

昆克医生说,遇险人员的最佳选择是喝自己的尿,因为尿液是被人体消过毒的。Their best option may be to drink urine, Dr. Kunkle said, since it is sterile.

遇险后,船员立刻发出求救信号。An international radiotelephone signal word used by aircraft and ships in distress.