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就这个话题,我稍后会撰文作深入阐释。I will have an in depth article on this topic soon.

每每闻知游客撰文忽悠,许多网友就来报名。Every time when Wanderer wrote, many bloggers came to join.

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其它的所有内容早就有人在博客上撰文详述或者写过相应白皮书了。Just about everything else has been blogged and white-papered before.

克洛娃刚在自然杂志上撰文谈到咋了这个问题。Lucie Cluver has just written about this problem in the journal Nature.

我对书籍的热爱从未减弱,日后还引导我自己撰文著书。My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself.

我看到有很多初创企业喜欢在博客上撰文记录创业者的酸甜苦乐。I've seen a lot of startups who like to write blog posts on life as an entrepreneur.

几周前我撰文写到用钱如何买到快乐的关键在于你用得是否得当。A few weeks ago I wrote about how money really can buy happiness — if you spend it right.

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幻想在五十年后,一位新闻记者想撰文纪念你。Imagine it is fifty years in the future, and a news reporter is trying to immortalize you.

在别人还不知道留意法律与互联网之间的关系的时候,吴教授就已经在撰文研究这个问题了。Wu was writing about the law and the Internet long before anyone else knew to pay attention.

爱伦坡撰文猜想机器人的机密,可是完全错了。Edgar Allan Poe wrote an essay on it, guessing how the tricks were done, but was largely incorrect.

里斯博士在巴尔迪摩太阳报中撰文,敦促准总统奥巴马增加资金投入。Doctor Reece, writing in the Baltimore Sun, urged the president-elect Obama to increase the funding.

了解我以及了解我和我父亲关系的人,对于我现在撰文来赞颂我的父亲,可能会感到奇怪。People who know me and my relationship with my father would be surprised to find me eulogizing him now.

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然而,乔伊•许韦里宁和迈克•沙纳罕撰文指出,对于最脆弱国家而言,谈判毫无公平性可言。But for the most vulnerable nations, write Joy Hyvarinen and Mike Shanahan, the talks are far from fair.

当纽约时报撰文为金融危机甄选出另一个替罪羊时,“清算”仍在继续。" The reckoning" continues as the New York Times singles out another scapegoat for the financial crisis.

科学家在自然杂志上撰文指出,这种下降似乎与水温上升有联系。Writing in the journal Nature, scientists say the decline appears to be linked to rising water temperatures.

联合撰文人从牛津大学互联网研究所伊恩布朗说,主要是各国政府可以发挥很大的影响。Co-author Ian Brown from the Oxford Internet Institute said it is largely governments that can make a big impact.

专家们在“自然杂志”撰文指出,他们相信类人猿来自亚洲,这一理论看起来最接近真相。Writing in the journal Nature, the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be the most plausible theory.

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大多数情况下,每个观点应该独立撰文,并且不能把不同内容硬塞在一起。In most cases each point can have a post of its own and you shouldn’t feel forced to bundle different things together.

艾琳·康迪特-伯根撰文指出,对于全球变暖影响最为严重的发展中国家而言,这条消息有如画饼。The news will offer cold comfort for the developing countries hit worst by global warming, writes Erin Condit-Bergren.

敝人深知布什总统身边有着众多才高八斗的演讲辞写作高手,但不才依然斗胆自荐为总统先生撰文。I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers but I would like to volunteer for the job myself.