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完美的早茶。A perfect morning tea.

先生,请用早茶。Sir, have morning tea, please.

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我们提供免费的叫醒早茶和网络服务。We offer free wake-up tea and Internet service.

英式早茶是我的最爱,阿萨姆红茶。English Breakfast tea is my favourite, Assam tea.

我们的早餐主要供应粤式早茶。Our breakfast supply Cantonese early morning tea.

我似乎把时间全都浪费在咖啡早茶会上了。I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.

大量的早茶,午餐和饮料胡椒的一天。Lots of morning tea, lunch and drinks peppered the day.

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我们的早餐主要供应粤式早茶。Our breakfast supply Cantonese early morning cup of tea.

早餐就是表哥带表弟去会所喝的早茶。Breakfast is the cousin cousin went to the club to drink tea with.

在吃过三顿早饭之后,现在是早茶时间。After three breakfasts it's time for some sweeties for morning tea.

我们的早餐紧要供给粤式早茶。Our your morning meing supply Could likeonese early morning cup of tea.

如果我们明天来饮早茶需不需要预订?Should we make a reservation if we are going to have morning tea tomorrow?

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平阳特早茶属灌木型中叶类特早生种。Pingyang Tezaocha is a tea clone of shrub, medium leaf and extra-early sprouting.

茶皇殿是以粤式早茶为主的中式餐厅。TEA PALACE Tea palace is a Chinese restaurant mainly offering Cantonese morning tea.

她也是早茶社的创始人,四月份失业,至今未找到工作。Carlino, 61, who is also one of the original five and has been out of work since April.

除了风景以外,广州美食也很出名,特别是汤和早茶。Except for scenery, the Guangzhou Food is very famous, the soup and morning tea especially.

就在我们在阳光下享受我们的早茶时,一个83岁的老奶奶过来跟我们聊天。As we enjoy our morning tea in the sunshine a lovely 83 year old lady stops by to have a chat.

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“饮早茶”是广东茶文化最具特色的重要内容。"Having tea in the morning" is an important part of Guangdong tea culture with its uniqueness.

哥哥给妈妈带了一盒她最喜欢的早茶,给爸爸带了一个手掌大的迷你计算器。Brother bought Mama a box of her favorite breakfast tea and, for Papa, a handy pocket calculator.

我们在澳宝的烹调工作人员将提供早茶,午餐和下午茶的学生。Our cooking staff at Hills Kindy will provide students with morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.