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政府总是将来也总会篡改数字和避重就轻。Governmentsalways have and always will fudge figures and cook books.

但当被问到哪怕只有一点点涉及名誉、财富甚至年龄的问题时,章瑞平又显得避重就轻起来。But he squirms when asked about anything remotely related to fame or fortune – or even his age.

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看来两人面对敏感的酬劳问题,也都相当有默契地避重就轻。It seemed that when the two faced the sensitive fees topic, they had the chemistry to avoid it.

所以,很多创业者对于风险这一部分“避重就轻”的做法并不可取。Therefore, many entrepreneurs in this part of the risk, "the easy way out" approach would not be desirable.

实际上科比作为一个NBA球员非常善于谈吐,尽管他喜欢避重就轻,就像NBA的谈话方式一样打官腔。Actually Kobe is very well-spoken for an NBA player, although he likes to go heavy on the cliches and typical NBA-speak.

两名昨天出庭的犯罪嫌疑人没有提出避重就轻的认罪。一名嫌犯的律师也到场了,据他说他的代理人将提出无罪抗辩。The two men who appeared in court yesterday entered no plea although the lawyer who appeared for one said they would plead not guilty.

蚂蚁会挣扎着将比自己重许多倍的树叶运回巢穴,它不会放下这片叶子,也不会避重就轻找一片小一点儿的,它会坚持不懈直至到达目的地。Ant will struggle with a leaf many times his weight to get it back to the hill. Ant does not set the leaf down, or find a smaller leaf.

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建立随手的“待办事项”清单,并且分好“轻、重、缓、急”,不要避重就轻跳过难题选容易的去做。Create and keep your "To Do List" handy. Prioritize your tasks. Don't skip over the difficult items when checking to see what needs completing next.

而对于项目设计上的一些缺陷和不足之处,售楼人员也往往会采用避重就轻,指东打西的做法,使购房者相信他们的房子是最好的。For the project design errors and inadequacies , while sales personnel often use that approach East-West, so that property buyers believe that their house is the best.

如果将一系列的事故归因于“麻痹思想”、“安全责任不落实”,避重就轻,则此类事故还将不断发生。If we lay the blame for a series of accidents on carelessness and a failure to meet safety responsibilities, we're sidestepping the heart of the matter, and such cases will happen again.