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好漂亮的扇贝,是你在跟我说话吗?A beautiful scallop, is you talking to me?

虾,雪蟹,带壳扇贝,蛤蜊。Shrimp, snow crab, and scallop in shell, clam.

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对于你来说,世界就像是可口的扇贝肉,细细品尝便知它的味美。The world is your beautiful oyster meant to be enjoyed.

蛤蜊,大虾,生蚝,扇贝,海虹,螃蟹。Vongole, Prawn, Oyster, Scallop, Mussel, Live Mud Crab.

密生西葫芦一种白绿色的有扇贝状边缘的扁圆形西葫芦。A greenish -white, flat, round squash with a scalloped edge.

番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉。Chilled tomato gazpacho, poached scallop, avocado &lime salad.

她爆料说,奥巴马最爱吃的是扇贝。It turns out President Obama is particularly keen on scallops.

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水煮河虾,水煮蟹爪,扇贝和蛤哩。Poached River Shrimp, Poached Crab Claw, Sea Scallop and Clam.

扇贝能够用好几种方式烹饪,烘、烤、炒。There are several ways to cook scallops, bake, broil, and saute.

搭配味浓的海鲜,如蟹、蛤蜊及扇贝,味道鲜美无比。Enjoy with rich seafood dishes, such as crab, clams and scallops.

南瓜,南瓜籽,南瓜籽油和扇贝炒饭。Fried rice with pumpkin, scallops, pumpkin oil and pumpkin seeds.

一对泛著粉彩光泽的扇贝,像情侣般相互拥抱著。A pair of iridescent pink scallops embrace each other like lovers.

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将扇贝和鲜菇摆碟后淋上步骤3的酱汁。Set scallops and mushrooms on plates. Sprinkle sauce of step 3 over.

将火腿包在扇贝上,并放回扇贝壳中待用。Wrap the ham around the scallop. Put the scallop back onto the shell.

将火腿包在扇贝上,并放回扇贝壳中待用。Wrap the ham around the scallop . Put the scallop back onto the shell.

新西兰深海螯虾清汤,黑菌和扇贝饺子,番茄。New Zealand deep sea Scampi consommé, truffle and scallop ravioli, tomato.

新西兰深海螯虾清汤,黑菌和扇贝饺子,番茄。New Zealand deep sea Scampi consommé, truffle and scallop ravioli , tomato.

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我们可以吃到许多令人爽口的海鲜做成的菜,比如说龙虾和扇贝。We can get a lot of delectable seafood dishes, such as lob-ster and scallop.

扇贝在壳里装盘。The g rilled scallops are served in their own shell with a wh ite wine sauce.

腌太平洋扇贝,巴黎式蘑菇,松露黄油汁。Gratinated Pacific scallop carpaccio, Parisian mushroom, truffle butter sauce.