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目前我们有现货供应。We now can offer from stock.

我们能够供应核桃仁现货。We can supply walnut meat from stock.

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本店备有各种尺寸鞋子的现货。We have every size of shoes in stock.

它如同其他现货市场一般。It works much like other spot markets.

套期保值者根据自己在现货市场的处境。Depending upon a hedger's cash market situation.

不断增加我们现货的品种及存货量。Increasing the species and inventory stock quantity.

这种装有自动变速器的车有现货。This model is available with automatic transmission.

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现有现货2500个可以便宜一点出售!Existing on-hand merchandise 2500 may the cheap sell!

并且有现货供应,可直接送货到贵公司。And have off-the-shelf direct delivery to your company.

现货有六开,四开,对开,单色,四色。Spot a six, four open, outside, monochrome, four-color.

这些面料需要去工厂定做的,我们没有现货。These fabrics have to be custome made at textile mills.

我方现在能够承接大宗订单,现货供应。We are able now to execute from stock the largest orders.

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发生这种情况,因为这是最流行的畜现货。This happens because this is the most popular petting spot.

如你们有松籽仁现货,请寄来一些样品。If you have pine kernels in stock, please send us some samples.

此时的翻译应为“上述多种优质产品,备有现货,欢迎订购”。Many of thses fine products are in stock, ready for your order.

尼龙粘扣带不含偶氮染料,常备108种颜色的现货。Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for108 colours.

彩色尼龙粘扣带不含偶氮染料,常备108种颜色的现货。Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for 108 colours.

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通过减少供应量,他们可以轻松操纵现货价格。They can easily manipulate it by decreasing supply into the market.

目前,国内棉花现货市场疲软的情况暂未改变。At present, the domestic cotton weak spot market is not yet changed.

铁江现货主席韩博杰于2011年4月13日接受彭博访问。IRC Chairman Jay Hambro interviewed by Bloomberg on 13rd April 2011.