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我就是在不停地替代。I'm just substituting in.


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激素替代疗法。Hormone replacement therapy.

就像用书法替代绘画。Calligraphy replaces drawing.

但是,有没有替代方案?But was there any alternative?

替代文件传输选项。Alternate file transfer options.

他可以替代你老帅的位置。He can take your teacher's place.

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没有人能替代斯蒂夫。There will be no replacing Steve.

作为替代,你还是考虑送一束花吧。Instead, consider sending flowers.

我们有其他什么替代方法?What other alternative do we have?

戴露指手套替代不漏指的手套。And wear mittens instead of gloves.

要用u和v来替代。I will replace them by u's and v's.

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死刑有什么不可替代的优越性?Any non-replaceable superiority of DS?

我可以用替代来解决这个问题。Next time down I've got eight versions.

rw已走上替代软盘机的道路。CD-RW is on track to replace the floppy.

用彩色的墙面替代灰色白色墙面。Replace gray and white walls with color.

有了朋友就可以替代左邻右坊。You'll have friends instead of neighbors

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另一种不长毛的替代物是果蝇。A nonfurry alternative was the fruit fly.

替代能源听上去像是托辞。Alternative energy sounds like a cop-out.

而且他用塑料替代了原先的马口铁。And instead of tin, he went with plastic.