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深深缓慢地吸气。Deep, slow inhalation.

吸气,进入眼镜蛇式。Inhale into Cobra pose.

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吸气,回到树式。Inhale back into Tree Pose.

深吸气,呼气,释放它。Breath deep, exhale, release.

吸气向前到斜板式。Inhale forward to Plank Pose.

深吸气,呼气,放松。Breathe deep, exhale, release.

深吸气,呼气,放松。Breath deep, exhale 4, release.

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吸气向前到斜板式。Inhale forward into Plank pose.

吸气,呼气。You breathe in, and breathe out.

吸气再次进入树式。Inhale into Tree pose once again.

我张开嘴大口地吸气。My mouth was open, sucking in air.

在你吸气的时候,你能闻到什么?Notice any smells as you breathe in.

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多数人吸气的深度不够。Most of us don't breathe deeply enough.

他正常呼气和吸气。He began to breathe in and out normally.

吸气向上伸直双臂。Inhale and extend your arms straight up.

曲膝,吸气,向前跳,抬头,向上看。Exhale, fold forward , look up your nose.

如果他是一只海豚,他可以发吸气音。If he was a dolphin he could do the clicks.

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吸气时旋转左臂向前。Rotate the left arm forward while inhaling.

深吸气使肝脏下降。Deep inspiration causes the liver to descend.

当你需要再次吸气时,肚子再次回复突出。When you need another breath it comes back out.