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前列腺切除后小便失禁咋办?Incontinence after prostatectomy?

刚开始时甚至大小便失禁,但是现在已经不会了。At first she was doubly incontinent, not now.

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我将有失禁或阳萎的问题吗?Will I have problems with incontinence or impotence?

人老了就往往有内急失禁现象。People often become incontinent when they get very old.

您有可能导致被失禁社交焦虑症。Being incontinent can cause you to have social anxiety disorder.

即瘫痪同时伴发大小便失禁。This means that urine and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis.

瘘管的内部破裂可能会引起终身的大小便失禁。Fistulas, the internal ruptures that can lead to lifelong incontinence.

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一名被拘留者在膀胱失禁之后被卫兵虐待。One detainee was abused by guards after he lost control of his bladder.

失禁警报通过文字信息或养老院的传呼系统发送出去。Alerts are sent via text message or over the institution's paging system.

这只患有“压力性小便失禁”的该死的小东西尿得我一屋子都是。She has 'stress incontinence', which involved her peeing all over my house.

问卷也包括了关于失禁患者用具使用的问题。Questions about supplies used for incontinent patients were included as well.

目的探讨尿便失禁的术后功能训练方法。Objective To investigate the training methods of urine and feces incontinence.

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罗森曼记得一位病人每天喝谁,尽管失禁的问题。Rosenman remembers one patient who drank daily, despite incontinence problems.

解决器官脱垂、失禁、经期疼痛或失调和骨盆疼痛的问题。Solve organ prolapse, incontinence, menstrual pain or disorders and pelvic pain.

NPH的主要诊断标准为进行性痴呆、步态失调和尿便失禁。NPH clinical syndrome was presented with dementia, gait disturbance and uracratia.

尽管很少,但也有报告指出有关这一疗法引发的失禁以及阳痿案例。Though rare, there have been cases reported of incontinence and impotence with this procedure.

中年妇女小便失禁是怎么回事?用什么药物治疗呢?Is middleaged woman pee incontinent how be to return a responsibility? With what to medication?

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侧切手术是直接切过肌肉和皮肤,会导致小便失禁症。Episiotomy cuts through muscle tissue as well as skin, which often lead to urinary incontinence.

我们的背部开睡衣是特别受欢迎失禁时间管理的夜晚。Our back opening nightwear is particularly popular for the management of night time incontinence.

不顾她已经失禁的现实,医生告诉她她需要接受物理治疗。The doctor ignored the fact that she was doubly incontinent and told her she needed physiotherapy.