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生命意义的阙如。Of life meaning.

人阙如目标就像船没有船舵。The man without purpose is like a ship without a rudder.

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目前,我国有关刑事被害人补偿的立法尚付阙如。At present, China's criminal victim compensation is still a blank field.

国外对交易习惯的研究较多,然而我国对其研究相对阙如。Overseas research on trade usage is really more than internal research on it.

目前,对于“新闻叙事学”的研究在学科领域内尚付阙如。At present, the study of news narratology doesn't exist in the field of subjects.

阙如对耶稣及对人的热爱,婚姻的危机常会一触即发。There is always a danger of marriage taking the razor edge off the passion for Jesus and souls.

最终,是人性以及其他一切自我尊重和周围其他人的尊重的根基的阙如。Ultimately, of humanity and any other ground for self-respect and respect of the others around.

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直到目前为止,对绘画期刊深入而系统的研究成果尚付阙如。Untill now, there has been few results in further and systematic researches on painting periodicals.

对那些在大西洋海岸这边的人来讲,很快他们就明白美国救援雷曼的计划还付阙如。To those on this side of the Atlantic, it quickly became apparent that the Americans lacked a plan to save Lehman.

但由于各种原因,目前国内关于原生态民歌的专门系统的研究还付之阙如。However, due to various reasons, currently on the original folk songs in systematic research is still in the blank.

虽然关于海象人的历史文档付诸阙如,很多值得注意的事实最近都从黑暗的水下浮出了冰面。Despite the absence of any records documenting the tuskarr's past, many significant facts have recently come to light.

多数资料未加整理,有关论文往往语焉不详,研究民国王学的专著迄今尚付阙如。Most of the materials have not been sorted out, which prevents the research, and the relevant articles are often ambiguous.

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莱布尼茨的微知觉理论向来未引起研究者足够的重视,对它的系统阐述更是付之阙如。Leibniz's theory of petites perception has not been paid enough attention by scholars before, let alone the systematic explanation of it.

评价CIMS实施效果需要一套科学的指标体系和评价方法,迄今尚付阙如。It needs a set of scientific index system and evaluation method to evaluate the effect of CIMS's performance, but it has not been done yet.

住宅小区名称权作为“建筑物区分所有权之共有权利”的一种形态,不仅在物权法立法中付之阙如,在理论层面也是鲜有涉及。As one type of co-ownership in condominium ownership, legislation and theory little concerned the right of designation of residence community.

而19世纪初功利主义哲学家詹姆斯•密尔的思想恰能为其中某些阙如提供补充。James Mill, one of the greatest Utilitarian in the 19th century, whose thoughts about the liberty of the press can be such a kind of supplement.

在我国,环境污染违法犯罪领域过分“重行政轻民刑”、“以罚代刑”,导致环境污染行为之“刑事责任阙如”。The imposition of administrative fine instead of a civil or a criminal sanction leads to lack of criminal liability for environmental pollution.

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颠覆过度,建构阙如,最终如巴赫金所说的单纯“性”的躯体将丧失完整的躯体存在,沦于“欲望躯体”的行列。The deprivation of such internal struggle will make human being degenerate into the only animal having natural desire as Bakhtin's theory of body.

然而已发表之研究多致力于拟真或时效的改善,对于动画师的艺术设计议题则付之阙如。However, most of these published works have been focused on realism or time improvement. The issues of animator's artistic control of human walking are seldom addressed.

然国内学者多关注典型刑罚如生命刑、自由刑及财产刑等,对非典型刑罚或准刑罚之研究,如刑法没收财物罚,尚付阙如。But what's a pity that scholars always pay much attention to those typical punishments, but ignore those non-typical mandatory sanctions such as confiscation in criminal law.