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当然要干贝。The scallops, of course.

希望你喜欢吃干贝。I hope you like scallops.

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我在那里可买到新鲜又便宜的干贝?Where can I buy fresh and cheap scallops ?

蟹肉鱼子酱,自制核桃木熏干贝,霜烧鲔鱼。Crad Meat and Caviar, Hoem Smoked Scallop, Tataki Tuna Fish.

大虾,鱼,干贝,海鲜茄汁高汤,帕玛森芝士。Shrimp, fish, scallops, seafood-tomato broth, parmesan cheese.

您要留着这些牡蛎,还是我去换干贝给您?Will you keep the oysters, or should I get the scallops for you?

但由于存在较多的裂纹,使得干贝的坚实度下降。However, there are more cracks, making the scallops firmness decline.

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干贝、牡蛎、高汤、黄豆芽、芦笋、香菇等。Scallops, oysters, fresh soup, bean sprouts, asparagus, mushrooms etc.

将步骤一剩馀的一半干贝水淋在绿花椰菜与干贝上。Pour half of the steamed water from step one onto the broccoli and scallops.

等候干贝蒸熟的同时,将绿花椰菜洗净,切成六朵。While waiting for the scallops, wash the broccoli and cut it into six parts.

晚宴上开始首菜亚洲干贝与蔬菜。The dinner started with club remmendation of Asian pan seared scollop with vegetables.

将烫熟的绿花椰菜置入大盘子中央,蒸熟的干贝则摆在花椰菜外围。Place the boiled broccoli in the center of a big plate with the steamed scallops around it.

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来自日本的科学家们要求实验志愿者在食用干贝时,分别饮用38种不同的红酒和26种不同的白酒。Japanese scientists asked study subjects to try 38 red wines and 26 whites while eating scallops.

简介精选高级中小鳍群翅,加上干贝与古法熬制而成的高汤。The select shark's fins soup combined with scallops superior soup, full of fantastic delicious flavor and nutrition.

而我自己的中国新年大餐则以皇帝螃蟹、泰国干贝和清蒸大虾等三种海味来大刷口福。My own Chinese New Year feast started out with three seafood dishes-King's crab. Thai-style scallops and steamed shrimp.

蜗牛与鱼翅、干贝、鲍鱼并列为世界四大名菜,风行于国际市场。Snail, Fim, Dry shellfish and abalone are four famous dishes in parataxis in the world and popular in the international market.

研究了部分相干贝塞尔光束经过光阑透镜聚焦后的光强分布。This paper deals with an investigation of intensity distribution of the partially coherent Bessel beams focused by an aperture lens.

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简介来自深海的新鲜干贝,精心调味,保留干贝的鲜味,入口即能感受鲜美的原始海洋风味。Fresh from the deep-sea scallops, seasoning well to retain the flavor of the scallops, importers can feel the delicious flavor of the original Ocean.

在此介绍一道由干贝调制的吉祥年菜,不但色香味俱全,清爽美味又不油腻,赶快大显身手吧!Let us introduce you to a scallops dish that not only looks beautiful, smells good and tastes yummy, but is also light on the oil. Let's get started!

我们把球花甘蓝和干贝辣椒放到一起,在我们看来,完全是意大利南部的风格,同时也属于唐人街,属于小意大利。We do broccoli rabe with dried scallops and chilies and in our mind that’s totally Southern Italy at the same that it’s Chinatown and it’s Little Italy.