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火箭炮袭击了医院和多所民宅。Rockets struck the hospital and multiple homes.

第二天在戈兰高地,托马林被叙利亚的火箭炮击中身亡。Next day on the Golan, Tomalin was killed by a Syrian rocket.

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如果你用射不完的火箭炮来杀蟑螂,谁会管你?If you use the proverbial bazooka to kill cockroaches, then who cares?

呃,啊。是啊,上次你见到我们只是想用火箭炮将我们轰杀。Yeah, last time we met you just wanted to blow me away with a bazooka.

这就像战地记者没有火箭炮背心和卫星电话一样可笑。It’s like doing war reporting without a flak jacket or satellite phone.

现在是时候检验保尔森先生以及他的火箭炮的真材实料了。It is time for Mr Paulson to show what he, and his bazooka, are made of.

蒙古军中之火箭炮车,是喷射火焰的木质魔鬼战车。The Mongolian rocket launcher resembles a wooden, fire-spitting demon-wagon.

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他呼吁北约摧毁卡扎菲上校的远程火箭炮发射器。He called on Nato to destroy Colonel Gaddafi's long-range Grad rocket launchers.

在以方袭击的三小时休战期里,哈马斯方面同样停止了其火箭炮攻击。During the three-hour lull in fighting by Israel, Hamas also held its rocket fire.

这些战士们认为北约的空袭已经摧毁了卡扎非的坦克和火箭炮。The fighters thought that air strikes had knocked out the enemy's tanks and rockets.

一开始,PLA会使用弹道导弹和巡航导弹,随后是射程400公里的多管火箭炮。To start, the PLA will use ballistic and cruise missiles. Then comes the 400km MLRS.

火箭炮车虽然精度欠缺,但可以进行大范围杀伤。Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area.

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与此同时,哈马斯武装向以色列南部发射了火箭炮。Hamas-linked militants, meanwhile, launched rockets that hit deep into southern Israel.

起始扰动是衡量火箭炮发射精度的重要指标。The fire accuracy of multi-barrel launcher is mainly influenced by initial disturbance.

迟傲臣突然就头痛了起来,难道他们还能发火箭炮不成?The late Ao minister suddenly had a headache, can they also deliver bazooka not to become?

火箭炮,响尾炸紫色时雨柳,蓝色时雨柳。Assorted rockets with big purple peony, blue peony burst and a very spectacular fiery tail.

1672年查尔斯·贝尔努安在雷根斯堡把火箭炮和布质的翅膀绑在自己身尝试飞行。Charles Bernouin in 1672 in Regensburg strapped a rocket to himself as well as calico wings.

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火箭炮的射程远,杀伤力强,在战争中立下汗马功劳。Bazookas have a long range and are very destructive, they make a strong contribution in wars.

因此,此方法是计算远程火箭炮毁伤效能的一种有效方法。Therefore, this method adapts to computing long-range rocket gun damage efficiency very well.

据悉,利比亚反对派武装从政府军手中夺得40门“格雷德”火箭炮。It is reported that Libyan troops from the hands of armed opposition won 40, "Greider" rocket.