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我还想买只钻戒。I wish to buy a diamond ring, too.

她的钻戒闪耀夺目。Her diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.

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钻戒在她的手指上闪闪发光。The diamond ring glittered on his finger.

萝西的钻戒在阳光下闪闪发光。Rosie's diamond ring sparkled in the sunlight.

从她的钻戒判断,她一定很富有。Going by her diamond ring,she must be very rich.

费丽达的定婚戒指是镶金钻戒。Frieda's engagement ring is a diamond set in gold.

他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。His diamond ring looked genuine , but it was fake.

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她纤长的无名手指上戴着一枚钻戒。She wears a diamond ring around her slim third finger.

那只钻戒被扔进了养鱼缸的水里。The diamond ring was soused into the fishbowl of water.

有些富婆在钻戒和貂皮外套上挥霍金钱。Some rich women splurge on diamond rings and mink coats.

但是最终我还是买给她一个钻戒.But eventually I went shopping with her for a diamond ring.

圣诞节一个男人为他的妻子买了一只漂亮的钻戒。A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas.

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没有找到那1.3克拉的钻戒,他们失望地离开了海滩。Disappointed, they left the beach without the 1.3-carat ring.

他受骗买了一只假钻戒。He was hocus-pocussed into buying an artificial diamond ring.

我已经向警方报了案说我丢了钻戒。I have reported the lossing of my diamond ring to the police.

玛丽在办公室里玩弄着她的钻戒炫耀给大家看。Marry played her big diamond ring around the office for show.

她也一脸幸福地在格莱美展示钻戒。The actress showed off her new engagement ring at the Grammys.

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这位周姓盗贼闯进一家富人家、了两枚巨大钻戒。Zhou broke into a wealthy home and found two huge diamond rings.

这种创意灯看起来像大钻戒,这件作品的作者是奥·卡奥里。Creative lamp designed by Aoi Kaori looks like large diamond ring.

她的纤指上戴着两只大钻戒,闪耀着红光和青光。On her slim fingers red and blue fire danced in two large diamonds.