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群峰层峦叠翠岩,峭壁林立。The mountain has numerous peaks and steep cliffs.

叠翠轩可以执行高达150升降机一次充电。The Pinnacle can perform up to 150 lifts on a single charge.

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石林叠翠老君山,北国山水走洛阳。Shilin Pinnacle Laojunshan, Northland landscapes take Luoyang.

其中“云山叠翠”在2002年被誉为“新世纪羊城八景”之一。"Baiyun Mountain"was honored as one of the Eight Attractions of Guangzhou in 2002.

四明湖度假村就位于四明湖畔,湖中岛屿点缀,四周峰峦叠翠,环湖古迹众多。The lake is scattered with islands and surrounded by mountains and historical sites.

叠翠轩也可用于往返游泳池和水疗设备的转移。The Pinnacle can also be used for transfers to and from pools and hydrotherapy devices.

叠翠轩可以执行包括床,椅,浴缸和地面传输所有类型的电梯。The Pinnacle can perform all types of transfers including bed, chair, tub and floor lifts.

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乐园内绿荫叠翠,草木茂盛,建筑以原始风格为主,造型独特。Pinnacle shade within the park, well- vegetated , the main building to the original style and unique shape.

再远点,群山叠翠,给这个古城增添了一份别样的宁静。Farther still, a chain of heavily wooded mountains gave the ancient town an exceptional air of tranquillity.

这里的观音玉静瓶之圣水,讲沟壑滋润使青山叠翠,绿水泛彩。Here, jade Guanyin static bottles of holy water, talking to the Castle Peak Emerald moist ravines, pan-green water color.

观音沟长满了原始松杉,聚落成林,散布在河畔各处的蘑菇般的蒙古包,点缀在碧峰叠翠之中。It overgrows with original pines and forest. Mongolian tent sprinkles in the bluish green woods, spreading over the bank.

叠翠轩,顶灯电梯采用相同的签名4点吊具杆系统对我们的其他吊带升降机证实。The Pinnacle Electric Ceiling Lift employs the same signature 4-point spreader bar system found on our other sling lifts.

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小村四周山峰俊秀,层林叠翠,清冽的流溪河蜿蜒而过。Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains, emerald green layers of forests, and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by.

青山叠翠,建筑精美,树木花卉郁郁葱葱,一片风景如画。Its green hills and exquisite building were laid out with picturesque appeal, and decorated with thriving trees and beautiful flowers.

夜幕降临,华灯初上,下班归家后,有妻儿执灯盼归来,杯盘叠翠间享尽幸福。At night, lanterns, go home from work later, his wife and children look forward to return the lamp, cup between Pinnacle enjoy the happiness.

山海关位于华北与东北的交界处,北倚群峦叠翠的燕山,南襟烟波浩淼的渤海。Shanhaiguan is located at the junction of North and Northeast, Beiyi Emerald Group Yanshan mountain ranges, South lapel vastness of the Bohai Sea.

以金海湖为中心,周围峰峦叠翠,野卉生香,云影波光,美景如画。Take Jinhaihu as the center, the surroundings peaks and ridges folds the green jade, wild plant unrefined resin, cloud shadow wave light, beautiful scene like picture.

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沿着叠翠的山道登上山之极顶,面对雄浑的绿海和壮阔的林涛,你会感受到一种无穷的力和一种无言的美。Pinnacle Hill Road along the top of a mountain on the face of forceful and magnificent green sea Lin Tao, you will feel an endless and the United States and a wordless.

昆嵛山是道教名山,峰峦叠翠,古木参天,风光秀丽,环境幽静,自然景观和人文景观丰富多彩,是一处美丽的风景名胜区。Kunyu Mountain is a famous Taoist, Pinnacle wins mountain range, Gu Mu towering, beautiful, quiet environment, natural landscape and rich and varied human landscape, is a beautiful scenic area.

衡山宾馆位于上海市徐家汇商业繁华地段,毗邻徐家汇绿地和衡山公园,绿荫叠翠,环境优雅。Hengshan Hotel located in the lively commercial hub of Shanghai's Xujiahui district, adjacent to the Xujiahui green belt and the Hengshan park, folded shades of green jade, elegant surroundings.