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教育学是什么?Pedagogic what be?

我方今是一名长途教育学员。Iwim now a distance educ student.

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我方今是一名长途教育学员。I'm now a distance educine student.

教育学基础—实践性。Education foundation-nature of practice.

我是一名英语专业的学生,想要考教育学英语学科与教学论专业…I want to find a foreigner to improve my spoken english.

在俄亥俄州立大学攻读教育学博士的卡拉斯先生。Mr. Karras, a doctoral student in education at Ohio State.

教师要具各更多的教育学和心理学的知识。So the teacher has more knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.

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在教育学的发展过程中,出现了三次大的分解。There are three big divisions in the development of pedagogy.

我毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,获得商业学士和教育学学位。I get the B . Com and B. Ed both from the University of Alberta.

弗莱雷是被压迫教育学的代表人物。Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

有趣的是,学习教育学的热度一直在不断下滑。Interestingly, the appeal of studying education seems to be slipping.

艾琳·库尔特是教育学学士,在世界各地做了16年的教师和保姆。Erin Kurt, B.Ed, spent 16 years as a teacher and nanny around the world.

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可以说教育学研究生入学考试内容是比较庞大的。Can say content of matriculation of pedagogic graduate student is gianter.

于是教育学开始从“殖民地”向“帝国”的转变。Therefore, pedagogy is beginning to transform from a"colony"to an"empire".

第三大部分则是吉鲁后现代批判教育学的理论和实践反思。The first part is Giroux's core strategy of his post-modern critical pedagogy.

教育学认为,高考作弊是教育本质异化的使然。Educationists consider it to be the consequence of present education alienation.

一个孝顺的眼科医生正在思考教育学以便用来处理牙医的身体上的缺陷。A filial oculist was cerebrating pedagogy to manual a dentist's corporal defects.

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对于教师所要具备教育学以及心理学都有了较好的掌握。Have had fairly good grasping to what teacher needs to have pedagogics and psychology.

随后,在圣·泽维尔大学获得教育学和管理学的硕士学位。I also have a Master's Degree from Saint Xavier University in Teaching and Leadership.

范梅南是北美现象学教育学的主要代表人物。Max van Manen is the major representative of phenomenological pedagogy in North America.