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更多供应正源源而来。More supply is on the way.

钱现在源源而来。Money now began to pour in.

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抱怨的信件源源而来。Letters of complaint poured in.

同年晚些时候利润开始源源而来。Profits began to flow in later the same year.

粮食和蔬菜供应源源而来。Food and vegetable supplies are coming in large numbers.

所以,我必须竭尽我的所能,回报我所接受到的并且还在源源而来的恩泽。So I must try to repay whatever I have received and am receiving.

一旦你行动起来,动力就会源源而来,惯性也不再成为问题了。Once you get going, momentum builds up and inertia is no longer a factor.

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以自信开启每一天,你所需的生活动力,自然源源而来。Start your day with faith. God will give you the strength to do whatever is necessary.

每当我走进教室,看见学生们都睁大著眼睛看我时,我的精力就源源而来。I felt an incredible amount of energy whenever I entered a classroom full of wide-eyed students.

这种产品刚上市十天,而我们就已经收到源源而来的重购订货单。The product has been on the market only ten days and we are already flooded with repeating orders.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。源源而来的灵性智慧和滔滔不绝的生命力,引领您走入全新的宝瓶世纪。Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy.

现在我们正处在无人问津的情报资料源源而来的阶段,其原因是它们无法检索。We have got to the stage now that we pour out information that is not used, because it is inaccessible.

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事实上,欧美投资源源而来,也证明投资者所看重的是稳定的政治。A primary objective of these agreements is to assure overseas investors of the stable investment environment in Hong Kong.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。源源而来的灵性智慧和滔滔不绝的生命力,引领您走入全新的宝瓶世纪。Water stands for Wisdom. Waterfall Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy.