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无怨无悔地牵动着心儿的人啊。One that pulls at the heart without remorse.

皱眉需要牵动43条肌肉,而微笑只用17条。It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

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你的生命牵动着美国人民的心。It matters to the people of the United States.

这一片小小的枫林,牵动着我的心。This a little maple's woods, affects my heart.

微笑需要牵动17块肌肉,皱眉需要牵动43块肌肉。It take 17 muscles to smiles, 43 muscles to frown.

微笑需要牵动17块肌肉,皱眉头要牵动43块肌肉。It takes 17 muscles to smile, 43 muscles to frown.

这个描述肯定牵动了我的心弦。This description certainly strikes a chord with me.

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他的工作牵动千百万人,使他们的生活更美好。His work has touched millions, and has made their lives better.

打哈欠会牵动鼻窦,把空气“泵”向脑部……Yawning may activate a sinus "pump" that ventilates our brains..

祷告是细长的肌腱可以牵动无所不能者的肌肉。Prayer is the slender sinew that moves the muscle of omnipotence.

它会首先牵动你们的内在恐惧,引起嬗变。It involves the transmutation of fear within you, first and foremost.

只有散文中透出的丝缕哀愁才能牵动我的神经。Only gives fully in prose of filar detailed sorrow to affect my nerve.

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可以毫不夸张地说,丰田公司极大地牵动着日本商界的神经。IT IS hard to overstate the importance of Toyota in Japan’s business psyche.

回复时尽可能不牵动个人情绪,虽然有时候很难做到。As difficult as it may be at times, try not to take negative feedback personally.

这里的过多的重复和那盼望,都是在试着牵动和满足彼此。So the excess and the longing are there, each trying to drive or satisfy the other.

有许多的巴西音乐让人著迷,同时又牵动人心且洗练纤巧。A lot of Brazilian music is enchanting , eloquent and sophisticated at the same time.

对大多数艺人来说,这都是可以理解的,但一对前夫妇,却牵动了人们的神经。For most it is understandable, but for one former couple, it got on the public’s nerves.

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是一想到俊基,心就会温柔地牵动,微微出神地人。We are the persons who are gently affected and become fascinated when we think of Junki!

伊雪努力的牵动嘴角,还想挤出一丝微笑。Yi sleet affects a corner of jaws hard ugg claccic also wants apt extrude an silk smile.

停产4年后,GT的“音容笑貌”仍旧牵动我心。Four years after production stopped, the sight and sound of the GT is still breathtaking.