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我很高兴给您做些小修小改。I'II be glad to do any minor alterations for you.

这家公司给我的房子作了几处小修小补就敲了我一笔竹杠。The firm soaked me for the few repairs they did to my house.

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这个预算方案可能只起到小修小补的作用。This is likely to be a budget that tinkers around the edges.

本店承接钟表眼镜小修小补业务。Our shop makes running repairs on clocks, watches and glasses.

之前,美国国家航空航天局也对这台望远镜进行过四次维修,但大多只是小修小补。NASA had repaired the telescope four times before, for mostly minor fixes.

绝大多数的中国“创新”只是对现有设计的小修小改。The vast majority cover Chinese 'innovations' that make only tiny changes on existing designs.

本标准按房屋建筑面积计算,包括小修、中修、大修在内。Second, the standard size of the housing construction, including minor repairs, repair, overhaul.

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其综合效果优于用粘土砖修补内衬,可替代高炉中小修作维修的作用。Superior to gunning with clay brick, it plays a role of substition of BF medium and small repair.

若产品在保固期内失效时,则卖方为产品做小修。During the warranty period, if the product fails, the sellers will do minor repairs for the product.

但是奥巴马说这一言论是和麦凯恩的政策作比较并指出其政策只是和现任总统布什的同出一辙,小修小补。But Obama says the remark compares McCain's policies and call for change with President Bush's record.

当其他的国家还在对产假以及妇女权益的相关政策小修小补的时候,瑞典人可能早已先知先觉地瞥见了未来。As other countries still tinker with maternity leave and women’s rights, Sweden may be a glimpse of the future.

他对事实已作了比较准确的陈述,如果他不介意的话,我还希望作一些小修小补。He has given a more or less accurate statement of the facts, though I hope he will not mind if I dot his i's for him.

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后来进入小修院,开始学习风琴,从小修院到神学院一直担任琴师。After entering the minor seminary, he learnt to play organ and served as resident organist until his final graduation.

你可以涂涂油漆,做点小修补,如果你已经在四月或更加之前就已经雇到承包商的话,按原计划进行没关系。You can paint, do repairs, and if you have already hired contractors in April or earlier, continue to work on your plans.

你不会认为美国外交官的妻子们通常都在某个不知名的小修会生孩子吧?You don't think American diplomats' wives usually give birth in little religious hospitals in the middle of nowhere, do you?

针对目前小修井作业在倒扣、磨铣等作业中存在的问题,研制了适合于小修井作业的液压转盘。Considering the problem existing in the back-off and milling operations of current small-scale workover, a hydraulic rotary table was developed.

在研究小修作业用双闸板防喷器结构特征的基础上,提出了双闸板防喷器壳体结构设计的基本原则,并设计了一种新型壳体结构。Based on the structure of double ram BOP used for workover, the basic principle of the BOP body design is presented, and a new structure is designed.

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虽然去就换新没什么不对,但有些东西还有许多可用之价值或者仅需小修小补一下,那么实在是没有什么必要扔掉它们。While there isn’t anything wrong with buying new, if an item has plenty of life in it or needs only a simple repair, there’s no true need to toss it.

本次补丁没有添加太多的内容,只是许多小修小补和一些强化。变化内容也将在今天晚些时候发布。Note this doesn't add a large amount of content, but many small fixes, tweaks and improvements to immersion. Change list will also follow later today.

利润的收入来源为卖方销售产品及产品的延长保固与产品保固后的小修收费,故增加利润与保固契约内容相关。The sellers will profit from products sales, product warranty, and product warranty extension, so it increases profits and warranty contracts relevant to the content.