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电影片名好比影片的门楣。Film names reflect the contents of films.

他把这句话刻在他所办学校的门楣上。He carved this sentence on the gate of his school.

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我们来到一家酒馆,门楣上爬满籐蔓。Then we came to a tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel.

其建筑物的门楣、斗拱、梁拄,均有精美木雕。Its lintels, brackets and roofs all have artistic engravings on them.

这个支柱是用在一个砖墓门口举行了门楣一个。This pillar was used in a brick tomb to hold up the lintel of a doorway.

传统的门楼是青石条垒成,凿以门楣,书香之家还要附上对联。The traditional gate house is made of stone stripes, and be cut a hole as a lintel.

钟鼓楼下南向辟拱券门洞,门楣凹进呈半月形。Visual downstairs to the provision of the South arch openings, recessed door was half-moon.

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倒座为穿斗梁架,三柱五檩,门楣上悬“李氏宗祠”匾。The back seat is Chuandou beams, three column five purlin hanging on the lintel, "Lee's hall".

这些建筑技术的职位,门楣,拱门和拱顶,桁架,和悬臂施工。These building techniques are post and lintel , arch and vault , truss , and cantilever construction.

大学毕业后可以轻易地获得一份公家的铁饭碗,可以将农家的门楣光耀。After graduation from the University, can easily get a public a secure job, can the lintel honor farm.

最拥挤的门楣上写着“迎宾处”的那间屋子,人们都往那屋子挤去,有人就哭了。The most crowded lintel reads " welcome" in the room, people go the house crowded go, somebody is crying.

神吩咐摩西指示以色列民在羊群中选出一只无残疾的一岁公羊,把牠宰掉,将牠的血涂在门框和门楣上。You know the story of how the lamb was chosen and killed and the blood put on the doorway, forming a cross of blood.

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进入门厅两侧砖砌拱门的门楣上分别书“出孝”、“入悌”。Stepping into the hall, you will see "Be filial to parents" and "Be respectful to teacher" on the lintel of brick arches.

回家摆当院里让露水一露,次日清早起来便可以拣粗壮硬实,枝繁叶茂的往门楣两边插了。Home pendulum when home let dew is exposed, they rose can pick sturdy hard, with luxuriant foliage to the lintel side plug.

小教堂门楣上那镂空的蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为是一件杰作,好似一颗用花边做成的星星。The little fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and lightness―a star of lace.

据说,这一经历使身为田家老二的田文华发誓要光耀门楣。The experience is said to have made Tian Wenhua, the second eldest child of the family, determined to make her family proud.

在崖顶,我释然地长舒了一口气,低头避过一方巨石门楣,才步入了修道院。At the top, I exhaled with relief, then ducked my head under a massive stone lintel and stepped into the monastery site itself.

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各家要取点血,涂在吃羊羔的房屋左右的门框上和门楣上。Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.

拿一把牛膝草,蘸盆里的血,打在门楣上和左右的门框上。Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe.

大殿门楣上的横批是中国道教协会会长任法融道长所题写的“义而生财”四个大字。The lintel of banner is the China Taoist Association chairman Ren Farong long wrote of " righteousness and business" four characters.