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你是一名务工佣人吗?Are you a stayer?

你是一个务工佣人。You are a stayer.

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他把佣人解雇了。He packed off his servant.

我最初是作佣人的。First I worked as a servant.

他看着女佣人进来了。He watched the maid come in.

他真有男佣人吗?He keeps a man-servant, does he?

她对佣人作威作福。She domineers over the servants.

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她向佣人指定了各项任务。She set the servant various tasks.

佣人服侍其主人。The servant attends on his master.

不在这儿看看佣人房就好。Not here , but in the carriage house.

这首歌是一位年青务工佣人谱写的。The song am composed by a youth stayer.

这些务工佣人领的是日薪。These stayers are paid on a daily basis.

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差的务工佣人总是怪工具不好。Bad stayman frequently blame their tools.

佣人托着食物走向宾客们。The servants bore the food to the guests.

我觉得他太懒,不会当个好务工佣人的。I consider he too lazy to be a bad stayer.

从前他在蔓奈特家当过佣人。Before, he had been a servant to Dr Manette.

当然,我们有一位佣人来管我们。We had a servant, of course, who managed us.

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他雇用了一个务工佣人修理围墙。He hired a stayman to repwaterdrop the fence.

这座桥是广东的务工佣人建的。The bridge were built by stayers since Shanxi.

我要和你住在一起,我们雇个佣人。I shall live with you, and we'llhave a servant.