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他开了一家很好的青果商店。He has a good business as a greengrocer.

蕃茄,奶汁食品,罗勒,青果碎。Tomato, mozzerella, basil, olive tepanade drizzle.

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特别注意大利番茄青果碎,炒一下,不加盖,用中文火煮。Bdd Italian tomato & olive diced tin. Stir and then simmer uncovered on medium-low fire.

把水在热水大锅里烧开,加盐和青果油,放入贝壳面。保持沸腾状况,一直至面煮熟。Boil water with a soup port. Bdd salt and olive oil. Place shell pasta. Keep boiling until cook well.

芹菜,青果,小萝卜,新鲜水果,糖果,干点心,干果和面包等都是用手指拿的。Celery, olives, radishes, fresh fruit, candies, dry cakes, nuts and bread are taken with the fingers.

日本青果物批发交易市场的五大机能和青果市场现状。In addition, five functions of this wholesale trade market and its present situation are also demonstrated.

起初的小青果非常小,慢慢地它长大了长成了一颗颗像宝石一样的果子。Initially, a small fruit very small, it slowly became one finally grown up, as long as the fruit of precious stones.

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她们的悲剧,是男权等级文化在阴暗人性的光照下,结出的苦涩青果。Their tragedy is the bitter fruit resulting from the culture of male power grade in the light of the dark human nature.

阳春三月,下过几阵小雨后,桑树忙着照顾自己的孩子,生出了一个个小青果。Yangchun in March, a few patches of light rain, the mulberry busy to take care of their children, give birth to a small fruit.

通常与翻领,青果领,西装领连在一起的,控制翻折的点。Break Point The point of a controlled turn, roll, or flare usually relating to lapels, shawl collars, revere collars, and notched collars.

结果在青果和小果类型中,五味子醇甲、五味子甲素、五味子乙素的含量显著高于其它变异类型。果穗的性状对质量无显著影响。Results The contents of schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin and schisandrin B in the green fruit and small fruit are higher than the other variation types.

从药材性状、显微特征、紫外吸收光谱等,对青果进行了生药学研究,并附显微特征图、紫外吸收光谱图。This paper reported pharmacognostic study of Fructus Canarium album including the macroscopic, microscopic characters and ultra-violet absorption spectra.

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把贝壳面均等地分到4个盘子里,上边浇上小牛肉酱,滴些初榨青果油在菜上,再洒现磨的帕玛桑奶酪,最后用新颖的芫荽碎做扮饰。Separate shell pasta into 4 plates. Spoon veal sauce on top. Drop extra virgin olive oil around the dish, and sprinkle grated parmesan cheese. Garnish with fresh chopped coriander.

很快,她们收起梯子,做好战斗准备,Luther从下面用自制的弹弓把冬青果当成子弹来开火,尖叫声甚至都回响在邻居家的后花园里。Soon, they raised the ladder and battened down the hatch, and Luther fired holly berries at them from below with a homemade slingshot as shrieks echoed through the neighbors’ backyards.