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坏事传千年。A bad thing neer dies.

彼岸花开千年谁能等待?Bana open Millennium who wait?

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一个新千年即将来临。A new millenium is approaching.

是一座真正的千年古刹。It's a real millenarian temple.

飘流世上一梦千年?Fugue world dream of a millennium?

我爱你,穿越千年,无论晨昏。Sorry, I just can't stop loving you.

千年的梦想得以实现。The century-old dream has come true.

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目前千年发展目标5已取得哪些进展?What progress has been made on MDG 5?

因为这需要它们数以千年的工作量They'd be busy for thousands of years.

千年古渡口,一幢小山楼。Millennium ancient ferry, a hill floor.

这千年的寂寞,奈了红尘几何?The thousand years of loneliness, Nai red?

红尘一梦醉千年,寂寞一世歌相伴。A red dream millennium, a lonely world song.

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这是千年难遇的改革良机。This is a rare opportunity to change things.

本公司的品种选自千年古方。Varieties from the companys Millennium Cuba.

时代千年房地产威伯利得克萨斯。Time Millennium Real Estate Wimberley, Texas.

与卫生相关的千年发展目标是该目标的一部分。The health-related MDGs are part of that goal.

这是——千年桃花精魄?This BE-thousand year peach blossom Jing soul?

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在新千年中,只有身强体壮的女孩儿才可去试一试。In the new mille ium, big girls only need a ly.

谁是那千年前的画匠?Who is that thousands of years ago the painter?

直人千年的胡念终究真现了。Chinese thousand years' dream came true finally.