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村子里的居民知道这件丑事。The villagers knew about the scandal.

公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。The public has an appetite for scandal.

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全村人都知道那件丑事了。The whole village knew about the scandal.

你别想对我隐瞒他的丑事。You don't want to hush-hush his scandal to me.

一星期和两个男人睡觉?这种下流的丑事…Two guys in one week? Talk about doing the nasty.

这人既然进了我的家,你们就不要行这丑事。Since this man is my guest, don't do this disgraceful thing.

但是我从来没有梦想过要做出像离婚这样有辱家门的丑事的。But I wouldn't dream of disgracing the family with a divorce.

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媒体质疑故宫为掩丑事给封口费?The media for their folly to question the imperial palace fee?

这件丑事公开后他便威信扫地。He suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.

将病人诊断出来而不加治疗是一件丑事。It would be a scandal to leave diagnosed patients without treatment".

回到村子的他知道了她所做的那一些个被人戳脊梁骨的丑事。Back to the village and he knows what she do that some were stamp backbone scandal.

这不适合每人,因为演化学家想法没失去他们的能力引起一件丑事。This does not suit everyone, as evolutionist ideas have not lost their power to cause a scandal.

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他拿了钱好像就是专门来揭发警察部门的丑事的,如错用过量的诱供药物。He seems to be paid for it. Sunning police dirty linen. Such as accident overdoses of truth drug.

双庙这个村庄,像很多和她命运相似的村庄一样,是近几十年来中国公共卫生领域发生的最丢脸的丑事的牺牲品。The village, and many like it, is a victim of China's biggest public-health scandal of recent decades.

雅虎应该极力避免报道任何现在这个政权正在干的丑事。Yahoo will do anything to avoid reporting on the many scandals that are running concurrently with this regime.

公开爆光公司的丑事并非明智之举,因为这样做只会使人怀疑你的判断。Don't air the company's dirty laundry in a public declaration that might cause people to question your judgment.

她日常贴身的大丫头如今却还出了这样的丑事,真真令人没法子说了。She daily private huge wench ever since yet return slander favor this, actually let everyone to have no idea to mention.

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梅尔文甚至还挖掘出了平壤地铁的一点丑事。Melvin has even managed to dig up some dirt on the inscrutable Pyongyang Metro —that’s the system’s Puhung station in the photo.

如果公众愤怒情绪见长,执政党就可能提高税率或者揭露富翁们过去交易的丑事用以缓和矛盾。The ruling Communist Party might try to raise taxes, or dig for dirt in billionaires past dealings, if it senses public anger is rising.

我有个女儿,还是处女,并有这人的妾,我将她们领出来任凭你们玷辱她们,只是向这人不可行这样的丑事。I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don't do such a disgraceful thing.