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他们应当有更多的脱产进修的机会。They should be given more opportunities for mid-career studies.

学习可以脱产或利用业余时间,课程包括44个实践课程。Study may be full time or part time and programmes include a44practice component.

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为了实现我的英语梦想,我辞掉了那份“高新”脱产来到了IBS。So I quit my highly paid job snd came to IBS for study in order to achieved my dream of English.

1985年入滁州师专脱产进修英语专科,获专科学历。In 1985, he took a two-year in-service training program in Chuzhou Junior College, majoring in English.

很多人脱产两年攻读学位,是因为他们希望总结过去,并彻底改变自己的事业。Many follow a two-year, full-time course because they wish to take stock and radically alter their career.

去年,她抛开自己的生意,在一家大学注册入读一年制脱产管理课程。Last year, she put aside her private business and signed up for a one-year full-time management course in a college.

哥哥开始有了自己军旅凯旋而归的时刻,我也基本脱产学习告一段落。My brother began to have their own triumphant return military time, I also come to an end the basic full-time study.

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赤脚医生是指我国农村人民公社时期,生产大队中不脱产的初级卫生保健人员。The barefoot doctors were the primary health personnel who still took up farming during the period of people! s commune.

本文采用问卷调查、访谈等方法,对网络学院的脱产学生的投资情况进行研究。In the article, some methods like questionnaire and interview are adopted to research the investment of pupils without work in E-universities.

王会营建议,如果考生们计划在MBA毕业后转行,那么应该选择脱产学习并报考名校主办的MBA。Wang camp, if the candidates who plan to switch MBA after graduation. So should choose disengaged from learning and took elite organized by the MBA.

又如井下作业人员,每年要安排至少3天的全脱产岗位操作技能培训,突出培养员工实际操作能力。Another example miners, each of at least 3 days to arrange for all full-time job operating skills training, training staff highlight the practical skills.

凡参加ACT北京特许教学中心GAC课程的学员,无论来自全脱产班还是业余班,将相关注册资料交给班主任即可。All students who attend the GAC course here in GAC Beijing Approved Teaching Center register for ACT only if they leave information required to Class Advisor.

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如何提高成教脱产学生的管理和思想政治教育质量,是成教工作者需要长期研究和解决的问题。How to improve the management of these adult off-job students and their political education is a long-term problem the adult education managers need to study and work out.

眼科教学模式进行改革,由原先教员脱产授课改为分人专题授课,改革后实际教学效果的优缺点有所显现。The teaching mode in ophthalmology has been reformed by giving special subject lessons by different persons. After the reform, there appear the advantages and disadvantages of actual teaching effect.