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我们未必矢志坚持任何硬性方案。We are committed to no rigid formula.

硬性指不灵活或非常严格。Rigid means inflexible or very strict.

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起初,规定是硬性严格的。Originally, they were very rigid about this.

他们企图把那些规则硬性灌输进我的大脑。They tried to hammer the rules into my head.

参加晚祷并非硬性规定。Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.

有时,软性和硬性奖励会排队。Sometimes, the soft and hard incentives line up.

将蛋清搅打至硬性发泡,混入蛋糕料中。Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into cake mixture.

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没有硬性规定一个代码行应该多长。No hard rule dictates how long a line of code should be.

拉尔夫·阿奇博尔德生活在他给自己硬性规定的时间经线里,或多或少是这样的。Ralph Archbold lives in a self-imposed time warp. Sort of.

某种程度的刚硬性能让你成为一个好的跑步运动员。Some degree of inflexibility may make you a better runner.

此行的目的在于加强反硬性非法毒品的合作。It's a trip aimed at increasing anti-narcotics cooperation.

属于你所要求的那一类人,无需硬性规定。Belong to you ask that kind of people, no hard and fast rules.

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有时软硬性奖励在不同的方面各有重点。Sometimes the soft and hard incentives point in different directions.

美元应当由金银来做后盾,所以我们要有硬性货币。The dollar should be backed by gold and silver, so we have hard money.

现在这两段时间已成为该公司硬性规定的无电子邮件时间。These hours are now rigidly observed as a sort of electronic quiet time.

律法为甚么作硬性规定,叫债主在日落之前,将作为抵押品的衣服归还给债户?If you take your neighbor's cloak as a pledge, return it to him by sunset.

我们是一个非盈利性的俱乐部,因此我们没有硬性会员费要求。We are a non-for-profit club that does not require any fix membership fees.

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监管硬性弹出广告,确保从ISP处收到投诉反馈。Monitor hard bounces and ensure you obtain complaint feedback from your ISP.

莎士比亚,他说,理解是,不论硬性执行法律的情况下也是不公平的。Yoshino says Shakespeare dealt with questions of justice in many of his plays.

将吉利液加入,然后搅打至干硬性发泡。Add the warm gelatine mixture into the cream and beat until the stiff peak forms.