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电力别动队蓝色声音游侠光新。Power Rangers Blue Ranger light of new voices.

1938年他亲自为党卫队别动队制定了合法的地位。In 1938 he issued instructions codifying the role of the SS-VT.

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到今年6月底,别动队已经开出1,100张罚单。By the end of June this year, the Brigade had already handed out 1, 100 tickets.

他还任命为美国陆军别动队荣誉成员作为一个结果。He was also named an honorary member of the United States Army Rangers as a result.

经过别动队遇到一个病毒,麦克作出了惊人的发现对自己。After the Rangers encounter a virus, Mack makes a startling discovery about himself.

别动队成员并不针对无家可归者、旅游者,或者无身份者。Brigade members don't target homeless people, travelers, or people without documentation.

对于53岁的别动队特工雷贝特先生来说,公共卫生意味着基本的公民价值。For Mr. Rebete, the 53-year-old Brigade agent, public hygiene is about basic civic values.

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1938年底豪塞尔开始把在维也纳的党卫队别动队组建第三个团,“元首”团。Hausser began to raise a third regiment, Der Führer, for his SS-VT in Vienna late in 1938.

兵团被划分为若干别动队,经常增援其他克隆人部队。The Legion was split into special mission groups, often to supplement other clone missions.

别动队当晚的战地指挥部就设在城边的一座空楼里。The team's field headquarters that night would be an empty building on the very edge of town.

党卫队别动队师和“骷髅”师得到了额外的人员补充和特殊单位的强化。The SS-VT and Totenkopf Divisions were to be reinforced with extra firepower and specialist units.

同时,掠夺被占领国财富的“金百合别动队”也开始了疯狂的洗劫。At the same time, robbing the occupied country wealth "Golden Lily Ranger" began a frenzied looting.

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在建立党卫队别动队后,他们开始疯狂地努力按照军事条例建立队伍。After the setting up of the SS-VT units, a frantic effort began to train the new formations in military skills.

在去年加入别动队之前,他曾担任巴黎的街道清扫工人和垃圾处理工人。He spent some years as a Paris street cleaner and garbage-disposal worker before joining the Brigade last year.

我正要组建一支别动队,我需要八个人,八个犹太裔美国战士。Aldo Raine and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Jewish-American soldiers.

“不良行为别动队”的成员表示,随地小便并没有突发的高峰季节,但是炎热的夏天通常会让大街小巷弥漫着恶臭。Members of the Brigade say there is no high season for urinary offenses, but summertime heat heightens the stench.

两个人想去庆祝的时候,邓汉山让吴佩欣回别动队,吴佩欣也把肖静拉上了。When two people want to celebrate, Deng Hanshan let Wu Peixin back to the Rangers, Wu Peixin also put Xiao Jing pull up.

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黄宏发新兵四名优秀青少年成为电力别动队以及阻止电晕极光落入坏人之手。Andrew recruits four elite teenagers to become Power Rangers and stop the Corona Aurora from falling into the wrong hands.

别动队还成功地抓获了许多与货源公司有联系的毒品进口商和经销商。The task force had successfully arrested many of the importers and distributors that had connections with source companies.

离开别动队之后,氏族的主力将携带着食品、货物和奴隶前往新家园。After parting from the vanguard, the main portion of the clan sets out to their new home, foodstuffs, wares and slaves in tow.