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我的玩具娃娃有一条蓝色的领巾。My doll has a blue scarf.

她为她的儿子做了一条领巾。She made her son a scarf.

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这是由迪奥计划的领巾。This is a scarf designed by Doir.

他脖子上系了一条黑色的领巾,好性感。He wore black scarf on his neck. so sexy.

真抱歉,我好像把你的领巾丢在什么处所了。I'm really sorry, but Iseem to have misplaced your scarf.

披巾、领巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品。Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like.

鲁道夫在羊毛衫外穿了件外衣,还戴了丝领巾。Rudolph was wearing a sweater over a wool shirt, and a silk scarf.

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还记得我们上一年级时,第一次戴上领巾时的情景吗?We still remember last year, when the first scene scarf to wear it?

人造纤维制领带、领结及领巾,针织或?针织者。Ties, bow ties and cravats, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibres.

丝或废丝制领带、领结及领巾,针织或?针织者。Ties, bow ties and cravats, knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste.

其它纺织材料制领带、领结及领巾,针织或?针织者。Ties, bow ties and cravats, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials.

学校的领巾带有特殊颜色来显示你是哪个学校的学生。A school scarf has its own special colours which show where you are a student.

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请参加入会仪式的精英名师名厨自带厨师服、厨师帽、白手套、白围裙、厨师领巾。Celebrity Chefs please bring with your chef uniform, hat, glove, apron and cravat.

我发现一些大的项目,你需要交易,每天象瓶和领巾。I have found some great deals on items that you need everyday, like bottles and bibs.

承佑把领巾还给惠珍,感应为难的惠珍成心规避他。The scarf back to ChengYou HuiZhen, induction difficult of HuiZhen mean to avoid him.

所以呢?哦!你看!克莉丝汀·迪奥的领巾、亚曼尼和香奈儿的香水、雅顿和兰黛的化妆品!So? Ooh! Look! Christian Dior scarves. Armani and Chanel perfume. Arden and Lauder cosmetics!

圆领,白色纯棉领巾在脖子处打成一个华丽的大领结。The collar was a high band with a white cotton sash tied in a big flamboyant bow at the neck.

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早晨上学前,站在镜子前面认认真真地把领巾戴好才能出家门。The morning before school, from the mirror in front of serious wear the scarf to a good home.

斯拉格霍恩匆匆跨进门,怀里抱着几个酒瓶,脖子上戴了一条黑色的领巾。Slughorn hurried over the threshold, several bottles in his arms, and wearing a somber black cravat.

丝或废丝制披巾、围巾、领巾、头纱、面纱及类似品,针织或?针织者。Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste.