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当母亲看见我时,她的泪水夺眶而出。When Mother saw me, she burst into tears.

独自坐在车中,脚倚着刹车,泪水不禁夺眶而出。Seated in the car, foot on the break, I free my tear.

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泪水夺眶而出,长泪落在了我的脸面。Tears brim over with tears, tears falling on my face.

一见到她姑妈,孤儿眼里那快乐的泪水就夺眶而出。Seeing her aunt, the orphan's eyes welled tears of joy.

那会儿,我想他的眼泪就要夺眶而出了。For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears.

趁着泪水还未夺眶而出,我眨了眨眼又读了一遍。I blinked and read it once again before tears began to tumble.

母亲的泪水夺眶而出,“你真的希望如此吗,朱利安。”Mother suddenly burst into tears. "And you want this, Julian?"

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我屏住呼吸,眼泪夺眶而出,我含泪向国旗敬了一个礼。I caught my breath, then, as tears filled my eyes, I saluted it.

卡门·艾尔茜拉不知道为什么,泪水夺眶而出。Carmen Elcira didn’t know why, but she felt tears race to her eyes.

此时,他的眼泪夺眶而出,流满脸颊,他没有试图去擦掉他们。Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort to wipe them away.

在讲述了无数遍这个故事以后,我才终于可以抑制住夺眶而出的泪水。Only after many tellings am I able to relay this story without crying.

邻居突然哽咽起来,泪水夺眶而出。The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes.

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你是我的一切……”有几滴泪水夺眶而出,顺着我的脸颊流了下来。You mean everything to me . . ." A few tears escaped and ran down my face.

总是有些沉稳中略带羞涩的桑德拉再也抑制不住自己,泪水夺眶而出,整个人一下子蜷缩在床上。Sandra, normally shy and composed, burst into tears and crumpled on the bed.

我离开了这里,眼泪夺眶而出,觉得我的人生已经永远改变了。I left the place, teary -eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.

我走过每一条过道,随着音乐的节奏和他们一一握手,拼命地忍住眼里将要夺眶而出的泪水。I made my way down each aisle, shaking hands to the music and fighting back the tears.

以往每次梦见你,都是被夺眶而出的泪水扰醒。因为梦的每一部分都是痛。This time is different. Cause the part that hurt most is the time when I was waked up.

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我看着她的背影艰难地跨过了跳板,我的眼泪夺眶而出。I saw her back figure moving on the gangplank with difficulty. My eyes burst into tears.

手拿饭盒,我的手颤抖不止,眼泪夺眶而出,我被幸福撞得一塌糊涂。Holding lunch box, my hands shaking forever, and burst into tears, I was happy Zhuangde mess.

如果你看了陆克文的道歉,你的眼眶肯定会湿润,甚至眼泪会夺眶而出。If you watched Rudd's apology you almost certainly welled up, or even blubbed. It still gets me.