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是的,儿科医生。Yes, a pediatrician.

儿科医生苏珊是这些研究员之一。Swedo was one of those fellows.

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你已经选好了儿科医师了吗?Have you chosen a pediatrician yet?

所以这次,每个病人都是儿科来的。Every patient is from the PEDS floor.

所以我联系了一位儿科创伤专家。So, I contacted a child trauma specialist.

记住你公爹是一个儿科医师。Remember your fatherinlaw's a pediatrician.

我敢打赌,它们一定会在儿科病房里大受欢迎的。I’ll bet they’re a big hit in the pediatric ward.

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当新生儿确实需要吸氧,美国儿科学会建议When a newborn requires resuscitation, AAP recommends

那个诊断的儿科医生看起来一点都不像医生。The diagnostic pediatrician didn’t look like a doctor.

中华医学会儿科学分会心血管学组。The Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association.

儿科患者的脱机和拔管准备。Weaning and extubation readiness in pediatric patients.

小儿遗尿症是儿科常见病。Enuresis is a common pediatric diseases in children. Dr.

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有一些医院甚至开设了儿科肾结石专科门诊。Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.

家庭医生,内科医师,儿科医生诊室Offices of family physicians, internists, and pediatricians

但是儿科医生没有自始至终地开出维生素点滴的处方。But pediatricians do not consistently prescribe vitamin drops.

认知-行为疗法与儿科密切相关?。How Relevant is Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in Paediatrics ?

这个研究发表在儿科过敏反应和免疫学杂志上。The research is in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

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张君教授从医多年,对儿科疾病的中医诊治颇有建树。Professor Zhang, Jun has been an experienced doctor for many years.

大多数儿科医生建议给宝宝喂养含铁的谷物。Most pediatricians recommend starting with an iron-fortified cereal.

一个儿科护士的鞋会不能显得出众,但会有很多口水。A pediatric nurse's shoes may lack the shine, but they have the spit.