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清新的空气使我再次精神焕发。All this fresh air reinvigorated me.

在晨曦中醒来精神焕发!Wake up bright in the morning light.

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回到办公桌后你会感到精神焕发,干劲十足。You'll return to your task refreshed and determined.

没有什么比好好休息更让人精神焕发的了。There is nothing as refreshing as having a good rest.

你把茶杯里的茶喝完了,感觉到精神焕发、充满活力。You finish your tea and feel refreshed and re-energized.

即使只是在沙滩上散散步也可以让“沙发土豆”们精神焕发。Even a walk on the beach can be invigorating for a chaise potato.

第二天早上,约翰下来吃早饭,看起来精神焕发。The next morning, John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

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那位精神焕发的法国女士盖恩夫人,也曾许久被囚在监狱中。That sweet-spirited French lady, Madam Guyon, lay long between prison walls.

发自内心的爱让你觉得充满活力、精神焕发和幸福无比。When love radiates from your Heart you feel vibrant, energized and blissful.

你什么时候睡觉和什么时候起床是让人得到平静和使人精神焕发的睡眠的重点。When you go to bed and when you get up are keystones to restful, refreshing sleep.

坚持每天做适量的运动,使我感觉到心越悦,精神焕发。所以我非常喜欢运动。Doing daily exercise, I feel that the more Yue mood, refreshed. That is why I love sports.

昨天早上我骑了自行车,前天我跑步,虽然不长但是让人精神焕发。Yesterday I went for a bike ride, and the morning before it was a short but refreshing run.

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而你的朋友提到当他锻炼的时候,他会感觉精神焕发,充满生气。and the friend could mention that when he exercises, he feels more alive and more invigorated.

这种劳逸结合的方式能让人精神焕发,也能更好地激励我们做好自己的工作。Such rewards act as incentives for finishing a task, as well as helping us to maintain momentum.

第二天早上,你会更轻松,精神焕发,迎接在家工作的新的一天。The next morning, you'll be more relaxed, refreshed, and ready for a new day at the home office.

白宫工作人员个个精神焕发,而在这种情况下,当地人却受时差反应之苦。The White House working personnel were as fresh as paint, while the locals, in this case, were jet-lagged.

在你的停机时间选择进行一项你喜欢的活动,将使你完全放松并让你精神焕发。During your down time choose activities that you enjoy, that allow you to really relax and clear your mind.

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通常,非常有趣的是当他们从华盛顿南下来到这里,牧场的新鲜空气使他们精神焕发。It's always very interesting to see how the ranch air invigorates people when they come down from Washington.

在这些时候,我几乎从未感到过紧张和压力,因为我是在积极运用我的身体以使我自己精神焕发。In those times I hardly ever felt tense and stressed out because I was actively using my body to freshen the mind.

这群响马养养伤,吃顿热乎饭,一个个马上就能成为精神焕发的好汉。These ring Ma Yang to reserve bruise and dine peppery rice, a can become in high spirits good brave fellow at once.