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你的评语真是恰到好处。Your comments are on the nose.

房子的位置选得恰到好处。The situation of the house was good.

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学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。Learn to be mischievous and coquetry.

她的小鞋子穿来恰到好处。Her little shoes now fitted her smartly.

这块牛排煎得恰到好处。The doneness of the steak is very perfect.

这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。The dress shows off her figure to perfection.

玉米薄饼烘烤的恰到好处。The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.

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我们以恰到好处的速度来到汇流处。We approached the confluence at the perfect speed.

琳达把卡罗琳追求一名男子的情况描绘得恰到好处。That Caroline ran after a man was hit off by Linda.

转向控制很灵敏,但是恰到好处。Steering is touchier now as well, but in a good way.

文静而有价值——这句话拿来形容表链和杰姆本人都恰到好处。Quietness and value——the description applied to both.

在场的每个人都为其恰到好处的评论而兴奋不已。Everyone at present was very excited at his apt remark.

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我认为他的讲话对当前的辩论是恰到好处的。I found his speech wholly apposite to the current debate.

因此,华氏98.6度,就像一碗麦片粥,恰到好处。So 98.6, like that middle bowl of porridge, is just right.

在恰到好处的情况下,利率可能不会升得太高。In the just-right scenario, they might not rise much higher.

他经常以恰到好处的珠玑妙语使满桌的人哄堂大笑。He often sets the table a-roaring with a well-placed bon mot.

删节号用在这篇文章的末尾,恰到好处。It is just fine to put the ellipsis at the end of the article.

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如果你不口渴,那你的液体摄入量很可能“恰到好处”。If you're not thirsty, you're fluid intake is likely "just right.

他的演说把幽默性和严肃性的方寸掌握得恰到好处。His speech struck a perfect balance between humor and seriousness.

皮炸的恰到好处,金黄色的脆皮和软嫩的肉。The skin fried to perfection, crispy golden and the meat is tender.