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这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭。The teapot just came apart in my hands.

我期望咱们之间的联系无所不能很别扭。I hope tITe's no bad waterdrop in dawn us.

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小说里也出现了一些别扭的措词。The novel does contain some awkward phrasing.

“找我的别扭,你会后悔的,”他说。“Cross me on this, you’ll regret it, ” he says.

我开始不会对自己的皮肤感到别扭了。I was starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.

他站在我面前的那时候,我忽然觉得别扭。When you stood in front of me, suddenly, I felt wird.

他们好像乐于让给人找别扭。They seemed to delight in making people uncomfortable.

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也不用在乎语法是否完全正确,或者听起来是否别扭,or totally grammatically correct or might sound awkward,

我们都知道向别人伸手要钱是很别扭的。We all know that asking people for money can be daunting.

动作感觉很别扭不自然,这正常吗?The movements feel so weird and unnatural. Is this normal?

这样做会不会小题大做,让你感觉有点儿别扭?Does that strike you as nannyish and make you a little queasy?

员工必须穿制服或许听起来有点别扭。It might sound awkward that employees must wear a -pany uniform.

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可是他一喝了酒,就态度粗暴,出口伤人,性子别扭。But he was rough and harsh- oken and difficult when he was drinking.

可是他一喝了酒,就态度粗暴,出口伤人,性子别扭。But he was rough and harsh-spoken and difficult when he was drinking.

“有时候我们似乎自己给自己找别扭,”他说。"Sometimes we seem to make life complicated for ourselves, " he said.

突然绝对自己的电脑打字怎么这么别扭呢???Perfectly how such awkward the computer of self typewrites abruptly ???

两袖设计,依手臂运动时形态立体裁剪,手臂弯曲时不觉别扭。Solid sport style design, sleeves are convenient for your arms to bend.

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大胡子主任躺得很别扭,被沙子半埋住身子,茂密的黑连鬓胡子里嵌满了沙粒。Half of Bcardy's body was buried, his thick bushy beard filled with sand.

如果我是藏羚羊,我还是觉得挺别扭的。If I were a Tibetan antelope, I would feel very uncomfortable and awkward.

在访谈中要聊自己,所以感觉很别扭。I feel uncomfortable during interviews because I need to talk about myself.