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接下来,我们去了鼓楼。Next, we arrived at Gulou.

让我们在鼓楼公园前下车吧!Let's get off in front of Gulou Park.

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它看上去很像西安鼓楼里的鼓。It looks like the drums in Drum Tower in Xi'An.

我们乘出租车去鼓楼医院,好吗?好的。Shall we go to Gulou Hospital by taxi? All right.

你可以看到鼓楼和钟楼,一边一座。On either side you'll see a drum tower or a bell tower.

鼓楼现在是陕西省重点文物保护单位。The Drum Tower is now a historical monument in Shaanxi Province.

走近鼓楼里,我们看见了许多天津的老照片,感到很怀念。Coming in the Gulou, we saw so many photos about the old Tianjin.

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鼓楼大街上有很多吃饭的小餐厅。There are quite a few featurde small restaurants on Gulou Street.

这两个计时器关系到钟楼和鼓楼。These two timers were a reference to the Drum Tower and Bell Tower.

第二部分,分析陈鹤琴南京鼓楼幼稚园的个案。The second one analyzed the case of the Nanjing Gu Lou Kindergarten.

在鼓楼的三层,我们找到了那口钟并拍了许多照片。In the third layer of Gulou , we found the bell and took many pictures.

兄弟烟斗,这是鼓楼大街上颇具特色的一家小店。Brothers tobacco pipe, this is on the drum tower avenue a multi-faceted shop.

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图为鼓楼煤厂师傅在胡同里给居民送煤。The picture shows coal plants workers sending coals to residences in Gulou area.

后来鼓楼不再用来报时,只是在战争时才擂鼓报警。Later, the drum was no longer used to tell time but only to give warnings in times of war.

就在北京鼓楼附近的中医院里面,喝汤药也行。Drum Tower in Beijing Chinese medicine hospital near the inside, soup medicine is required.

沿着帝王故道慢慢走来,鼓楼苍然,钟声依旧。Following the imperial road leisurely, the drum-tower seems deserted yet the bell still sounds.

登上鼓楼的观景台,你就站在了天津的中心。When you climb up to the balcony of the drum tower, you are at the central point of Old Tianjin.

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其次,概括出陈鹤琴在南京鼓楼幼稚园进行幼儿园教育本土化探索的主要特征。Next, to summarize the characteristic of Chen Heqin exploring the education localization of kindergarten.

大雁塔,鼓楼,是唐代留下来的建筑,您可以到“杨贵妃”洗澡的华清池去洗温泉浴。Dayan Pagoda, Gulou, Tang left the building, you can go to Huaqingchi Take a bath in the hot springs bath.

对于那些想要拯救鼓楼的人来说,想要弄清政府到底在想些什么是个难题。For those seeking to save Gulou, part of the problem is finding out exactly what the government has in mind.