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水族,血肉,和羽禽整个夏天。Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long.

自然一直在用她的血肉供养着人类。Nature has all along yielded her flesh to humans.

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石头,金属,稻草,甚至是血肉构成的傀儡存在着。Golems of stone, metal, straw, and even flesh exist.

他们没有关节四肢,器官血肉。They don't have joints and limbs or organs or flesh.

忠诚的追随者!我现在将你从血肉诅咒中释放!Loyal adherent! I release you from the curse of flesh!

食尸鬼通过吞食目标的血肉来回复自己的生命。N'aix restores some of his life force by eating flesh.

我看到很多人的脸已经血肉模糊了。I've seen lots of bodies, their faces are unrecognisable.

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当他们的骨头血肉散尽白骨不见When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone

在这次手术中,医生们切除了11磅的血肉和骨头。Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure.

我们心情沉重地站在这具血肉模糊的尸体的两侧。With heavy hearts we stood on either side of the broken body.

我们必须要始终保持与人民群众的血肉联系。We must maintain our flesh-blood relationship with the people.

他被抬到医院,他的腿血肉模糊。He was taken to hospital with his legs a mass of bleeding flesh.

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他们得出结论,血肉是人类的血肉。They concluded that the flesh and blood are human flesh and blood.

狐狸代表着阴,并且用它的血肉与阳——骷髅相通相连。the fox stood for yin and used its flesh to join the skull, the yang.

父子之情在心,而不在于血肉关系。Father and son of love in heart, not the flesh and blood relationship.

即使它被羞辱过,但血肉仍然是我唯一的必然,我只能依赖它。Even humiliated, the flesh is my only certainty. I can live only on it.

有关英雄豪杰的残酷的事实之一是,他们也是由血肉造成的人。The one cruel fact about hero is that they are made of flesh and blood.

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法师将七只普通的野猪变为一种钢铁血肉的形态。The caster transform seven ordinary boars into beings of flesh and steel.

始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。Enable the party to maintain its flesh-and-blood contacts with the people.

那是什么东西---湿淋淋,血肉模糊的,大约贝迪的拳头大小?What was that thing—wet with blood, mangled, about the size of Bedi's fist?