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请看下列习惯用语。Look at the idioms below.

请按正确形式书写下列句子。IX. Write the sentences correctly.

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该过程将完成下列任务。The process will do the following.

你喜欢下列哪一种的八达通产品?Which OCL's product do you prefer?

下列的油舱将被测量。The following tanks will be gauged.

将下列单词译成中文。Put the following words into Chinese.

她还是下列书籍的作者。Johanna is the author of several books

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下列称述哪一项不正确?Which of the followings is NOT proper?

你知道下列的公司主席是谁吗?Do you know the following chairpersons?

将下列对话和图片配配看。Match the dialogues and pictures below.

务须注意下列各项。Attention must be paid to the following.

将下列图片与对话配配看。Match pictures below with the dialogues.

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将下列图片与对话配配看。Match the dialogues with pictures below.

我想提出下列几点。I would like to make the following points.

甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行规定。Other special terms will be listed bellow.

非常仔细地输入下列命令Enter the following command oh-so carefully

病人的病况是否与下列情况有关?Is the condition related to the followings?

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请按货到付款条件发运下列商品。Please send us the following items C. O. D.

猿猴小帮手无法做到下列哪件事?What are the monkey helpers NOT able to do?

你向儿童呈现下列场景You show the child the following situation.