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女性病人常有闭经。FemaleThe patient often has amenorrhoea.

朋友突然性闭经怎么办?How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?

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女人原发性闭经的病因是啥子?。A woman with primary amenorrhea , the cause of that?

我想请问大家,我这样的情况是闭经还是流产了呀!I want to ask you, I this is a miscarriage or amenorrhea Yes!

小学闭经是未能建立月经。Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to establish menstruation.

术后视野缺损、偏盲、视力减退、泌乳、闭经及头痛等症状均有改善。All symptoms such as defect of vision field, hemiopia etc were improved.

过多的雄激素导致不规则排卵或不排卵和闭经。Excess androgens can cause irregular or absent ovulation and menstruation.

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闭经的诊治也令很多妇科临床医生感到困惑。Lots of gynecologists are confused at the diagnosis and treatment of amenorrhea.

如是血块或闭经可用丸药磨酒服。The case of a blood clot, or amenorrhea, pills mill liquor service is available.

运用毓麟珠加减治疗闭经有较满意的疗效。DISCUSSION The Yulinzhu soup has satisfactory therapeutic effects for amenorrhea.

中学闭经意味着妇科失常或一般事业或疾病。Secondary amenorrhoea implies a gynaecological disorder or a general cause or disease.

功能性闭经怎样用黄体酮针剂治疗?How does functional sex amenorrhoea use treatment of injection of corpus luteum ketone?

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观察益经汤加减治疗虚性闭经的临床疗效。To observe clinical cure effect of revised Yijing Decoction treating deficient menopause.

如果数月仍未恢复月经,有可能出现停药后闭经。If don't get a period for several months, you may have what's known as post-pill amenorrhea.

严重卵巢炎症也可破坏卵巢组织而致闭经。Serious and ovarian inflammation also can destroy ovarian organization and send amenorrhoea.

UAE还可引起少数妇女闭经,其原因与卵巢功能受损和子宫内膜萎缩有关。UAE may cause amenorrhea in the minority of women with ovarian failure and endometrium atrophy.

高催乳素血症是引起闭经、溢乳、不孕等常见疾病之一。Hyperprolactinemia is one of the common diseases to cause the amenorrhea, galactorrhea and dysgenesis.

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原发性闭经是一种原因复杂的疾病,染色体异常则是发病的主要原因。The reason for primary amenorrhea is very complicated. One of the main causes is chromosome anomalies.

女性同样会遭受继发性闭经问题,月经开始继而又停经。They also suffer more often from secondary amenorrhea, a condition in which menses start but then stop.

可能会出现月经不调、闭经或月经过多。卵巢常会增大,且呈现囊肿。Menstruation may be irregular, absent, or excessive. The ovaries are usually enlarged and contain cysts.