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将这张校样重新涂以重铬酸盐乳剂。The proof is recoated with dichromate emulsion.

这样做很有必要,作用是去除乳剂中多余的银盐。This is necessary in order to remove excess silver salts.

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乳剂的破裂是用光学显微镜下观察。The outburst of emulsions was observed by photics microscope.

与化学破乳剂相比,提高了回注水的安全性。In a word, it increased the safety degree of reinjection water.

研究了复配破乳剂对中原油田卫城油矿稠油的破乳机理。In this paper a mechanism of combinational demulsifiers is studied.

小滴测试和传导率描述了乳剂类型的阳离子特征。Droplet test and conductivity characterizes cation of the type of emulsion.

江米酒是我国传统乳制品米酒奶的凝乳剂,其品质直接影响着米酒奶的质量。The property of glutinous rice wine directly affects the quality of Mijiunai.

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有机减感染料在直接正性照相乳剂中的应用大大改善了其反转速度。The rever-sal speed increases greatly when an organic desensitizing dye is used.

目的介绍脂肪乳剂的研究进展及其在眼部给药中的应用。Objective To introduce of lipid emulsions and its application in ocular delivery.

彩色正片的感光乳剂基本上和彩色负片相同。Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do.

在相态乳剂、水分散在油,这是外部的阶段。In water-in-oil emulsions , water is dispersed in oil, which is the external phase.

向专业人员求助。不要涂治疗烧伤的乳剂或药膏。Seek professional help in treating the burns. Do NOT apply burn creams or ointments.

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最后,根据所选乳剂的种类,可以诱发特殊的细胞素。Finally specific cytokines can be induced according to the type of emulsion selected.

如果你的皮肤比较容易干燥,就用不含皂剂的沐浴液或者水质乳剂。If you have a tendency towards dry skin, use a soap-free shower gel or aqueous cream.

目的研究柴胡静脉乳剂的抗炎作用。Objective To investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of Bupleurum Chinense Emulsion.

同时,加入的破乳剂量对乳状液脱水速率也有一定的影响。The quantity of demulsifiers can also affect the dehydration velocity of the emulsion.

柴油燃料乳剂中的水。闪点测定。开放杯法。Water in diesel fuel emulsions-determination of flash point-cleveland open cup method.

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也可通过化学处理和凝聚分解机械和化学乳剂。Mechanical and chemical emulsions can be destabilized by chemical treatment and coalescing.

通过保护与反保护的方法,合成了PAMAM稠油原污水高效破乳剂。PAMAM dense oil polluted water demulsifier was synthesized by protected-unprotected method.

结论柴胡静脉乳剂具有抑制炎症反应的作用。Conclusion Bupleurum Chinense Emulsion has a marked suppressive effects on the inflammation.