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他们喜欢缝纫。They love to sew.

有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overcast stitch or seam.

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有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overhand stitch or seam.

在缝纫时先把边折过来。Double over the edge before sewing.

我喜欢学如何做饭和缝纫。I like learning how to cook and sew.

包边缝用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫…To sew with long, overlying stitches.

她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。She became the best sewer in the factory.

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留下一个10缝纫,连锁57“的长度。Leaving a 10" length for sewing, chain 57."

缝纫时,她在手上戴一枚顶针。She put a thimble over the finger when sewing.

允许有天然和合成缝纫线。Allowed are natural and synthetic sewing threads.

这是我第一次在化妆室里,缝纫。This is my first time sewing in the make-up room.

她会缝纫,所以明天我代她去播种。She can sow, so I will sow instead of her tomorrow.

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有缝纫或接缝经验者优先考虑。Have sewing or seaming work experience is preferred.

自动切断缝纫本间的缝纫线。Sewing wire can automatically cutting between books.

她们在那里学习刺绣和缝纫等其他手艺。They learn embroidery and sewing among other crafts.

家政学是一门关于烹饪和缝纫的学科。Home Economics is a subject about cooking and sewing.

妇女接受一些职业技能训练,比如缝纫。Women were learning vocational skills, such as sewing.

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除了这些,我们还会有缝纫课。We have a lot of those and a lot of sewing projects, too.

钩针编织,缝纫可以合并类似项目。Crocheting and sewing can be combined on similar projects.

我们的缝纫工都有3年以上的工作经验。Our sewing worker have rich experience, all above 3 years.