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他的手臂突发皮疹。A rash borke out on his arm.

称那是心脏病突发。The M.E. called it a heart attack.

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有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次.Yes,my father had a heart attack once.

他突发奇想,给那里一个认识的经理打了电话。On a whim, he called a manager he knew.

我常常突发奇想,在房子里舞蹈。I often dance around the house on a whim.

你们将讨论突发卫生事件。You will be discussing health emergencies.

他仍在心脏病突发后的疗养中。He's still convalescing from a heart attack.

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在扫雪时,人类也会死于心脏病突发。Men die of heart attacks while shoveling snow.

光突发交换的资源预留过程至关重要。Resource reservation process is critical for OBS.

第四章突发事件应急管理系统总述。Chapter Four is a summary of Emergency Management.

他心脏病突发,溘逝在自己家里。He passed away at home after a sudden heart attack.

塔布斯突发脑溢血去世,年仅58岁。The 58-year-old Tubbs died from a brain hemorrhage.

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在任何突发的紧急状况下董事长可自行采取行动。The president is free to act in any sudden exigency.

你是想用一个女人的突发奇想赌一赌你的御座吗?Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman's whim?

我们的杯赛会不会突发奇想地跑到吉格巷来趟浪漫之旅?Will the romance of the Cup pay a visit to Gigg Lane?

当不傲立突发时寻求专家援助。Get expert professional assistance if violence erupts.

我们决定坐船去欧洲。这个决定有点突发奇想。We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Europe.

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完善突发事件应急管理机制。We will improve the mechanism of emergency management.

突发面色青紫或苍白。Arises suddenly the facial color blue and purple or pale.

没想到几天后,母亲由于突发严重心脏病,撒手人寰。A few days later my mother died of a massive heart attack.